Title: Call for Expression of Interest for selecting Local Company/Organization to implement demonstration of new technologies (natural refrigerants) for RAC (refrigeration/air conditioning) system in commercial sector.

Reg. no.: EoI19/02007

Launch date: 18 November 2019, 11:40 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 02 December 2019, 16:30 (GMT+2:00)

Extended deadline: 10 December 2019, 16:30 (GMT+2:00)

Extended deadline: 13 December 2019, 12:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Expression of Interest

Category & Sub-category: Grants;Grants to Beneficiaries


The Call is open to:

Local Companies/Organizations which intends to pilot RAC system on natural refrigerants such as ammonia or CO2 in commercial sector.

Background Information

The Republic of Moldova is a Party to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer since 1996 and has committed to gradual phase-out of ozone depleting substances such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). HPMP Stage II aims at achieving the planned HCFC reduction targets (35% reduction in HCFCs use from the baseline) in the timeline from 2016 to 2020 and is intended to serve as a direct implementation instrument of the country’s policy and commitment to meet its obligations under the Montreal Protocol.

According to the HCFCs Phase out Management Plan schedule for the second stage the R-22 will be phase-out and R-134a will be gradually replaced by new generation HFC-refrigerants and natural refrigerants (blends of hydrocarbons, ammonia blends - with hydrocarbons, oils, etc., and carbon dioxide). Different applications lend themselves to different natural refrigerants. For example, industrial applications lean toward ammonia, while supermarkets favor CO2, though in both industries end users are exploring alternatives.

One of the UNDP project HPMP Stage II components refers to – Demonstration of new technologies in commercial refrigeration sector (natural refrigerants). The project supports demonstration project in the RAC sector (commercial refrigeration, chill cabinets, cold storage and food processing, industrial refrigeration, large air conditioning and chiller systems) with the purpose to apply modern natural refrigerant technologies in the Republic of Moldova and build a local practical experience and confidence of end-users.

Objective of demonstration project component:

Objective of Demonstration project of RAC System under the HPMP Stage II is to:

  1. Pilot RAC system on natural refrigerants such as ammonia or CO2 in commercial sector that play an important role to gain ozone and climate benefits;
  2. Promote energy savings, cost savings from purchasing fewer refrigerants, space availability, less incidents etc. using the innovative technologies;
  3. Create awareness of end-user about available technologies and innovations and to demonstrate the benefits and advantages.

Total Project maximum:

Up to thirty-two thousand USD (32,000 US$) only for installed technology on natural refrigerants such as ammonia or CO2 that will be awarded for the selected beneficiaries.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Local registered Company or Organization
  • At least two years of experience in the commercial sector
  • Ability to meet the project deadlines
  • Availability of own funds for co-financing

Offers can be submitted electronically only. Offers received by fax will be rejected. Incomplete offers shall not be examined.

Offers sent electronically need to be addressed to the following e-mail address: ala.cojocaru@undp.org with a copy to silvia.pana-carp@undp.org

Ms. Ala Cojocaru, e-mail: ala.cojocaru@undp.org
Mr. Pavel Gavrilita, e-mail: pavel.gavrilita@undp.org
Ms. Silvia Pana-Carp, e-mail: silvia.pana-carp@undp.org

Supporting documents:

Letter of Invitation
Application Form
Call forinnovation Challenge
Model of Agreement