National Consultant for developing a Pre-Feasibility Assessment of urban Biomass Waste to Energy potential in Chisinau.

Vacancy Number: Pr19/01868

Location:Chisinau, Moldova
Application Deadline: 08 Aug 2019, 16:00 (GMT+2:00)
Starting date: 12 Aug 2019
Reference to the project: Moldova Sustainable Green Cities - Catalyzing investment in sustainable green cities in the Republic of Moldova using a holistic integrated urban planning approach
Expected Duration of Assignment:
Supporting Documents:
Terms of Reference
Individual Consultant Procurement Notice
Offeror's Letter confirming Interest and Availability
UNDP General Conditions of Individual Contract


The activities of waste management in Moldova are the primary responsibility of the Local government bodies, who have to organize collection and disposal of municipal waste. Currently, only between 60 – 90% of municipal waste collection coverage is achieved in urban areas. In rural areas, there is limited coverage at only 10-20% and there are also some areas with no waste management services. In Chisinau, the daily rate of waste produced per person is 1.3 kg (source: National Waste Management Strategy for Moldova), that is higher than in other parts of Moldova. However, this figure is thought to be as a result of better collection and monitoring of waste rather than actual greater quantities of waste being generated. It is projected that solid municipal waste will increase by 5% annually in both rural and urban settlements despite an expected population decrease. The General Housing Department of the City of Chisinau has overall responsibility for waste management services which is currently executed through Regia Autosalubritate, the “Company” that provides collection, transportation, and disposal of municipal waste as well the operation of the landfills. Approximately 1.5 million tons per year of waste (with up to 60 percent organic and 25 percent recyclable content) is collected using the company’s fleet of 58 specialized waste transportation vehicles. Waste is transported to the existing transfer station and then into the temporary dumpsite in Ciocana district in Chisinau or Tintareni landfill located 30 km from Chisinau. Some plastic and glass are manually separated at the transfer station, although there is no sorting plant currently in place. The other municipal waste such as biomass from green zones, street waste, construction waste, etc. is not managed in a centralized way. As an example, the Municipal Enterprise "Green Areas Management Association" is facing problems of depositing the waste from green zones cleaning, most of which now is transported and dumped to the municipal landfills. In order to overcome the existing waste problem, the municipality of Chisinau is planning to design and to build the platform/facility for collection of the city garden waste and other kinds of urban waste not managed by Autosalubritate. The platform is supposed to have several units: composting from urban biomass (leaves), briquetting (briquets from urban biomass) and construction waste recycling. The produced briquettes must be distributed to 3,664 of poor and vulnerable families which are currently using coal and wood heating and being supported by the special fund established by the Chisinau Municipal Council.

The goal of this assignment is to develop a Pre-Feasibility Assessment of urban Biomass Waste to energy potential in Chisinau and reducing fuel poverty in poorer households. The proposed assignment is linked with the activity of General Housing and Planning Directorate of the Chisinau Municipality. This project will reduce the incidence of fuel poverty in areas not served by the District Heating network and natural gas supplies and reduce the cost to the Municipality in subsidizing the cost of coal and winter fuel payments to the poorest households. Beside supporting the required behaviour change programs to support the implementation of resource-efficient waste management strategies and related waste management hierarchy (reduce, reuse, recycle, waste to energy, disposal), there are possible synergies and co-operation opportunities also for the required investments addressing, for instance, the treatment of the “green waste” i.e. the biomass generated by harvesting and cleaning the green areas of the city. Based on the initial estimates, the production capacity of the wood briquette plant would need to be about 3,000-4,000 tons per year to replace about 1,600 tons of coal, thereby contributing to a CO2 reduction of 4,300 tons per year or 86 ktons of CO2eq over 20 years.

Scope of work

The consultant will have the following responsibilities:

  1. Develop a detailed structure of the Pre-Feasibility assessment and consult it with UNDP and Municipality Housing department.
  2. Identify the exact quantity and typology of the urban waste: Sources of raw material, collection, transportation and depositing methods of vegetal waste;
  3. Identification of the number of poor and vulnerable families which are currently using coal and wood heating and being supported by the special fund established by the Chisinau Municipal Council. Identify how many of the household beneficiaries have heating equipment that can burn briquets.
  4. Propose the most cost-efficient methods of vegetal waste collection, transportation and production potential, including the cost/benefit analysis.
  5. Calculation of the following climate-related parameters:
  • The CO2 reduced by replacing the burning of coal with wood briquettes;
  • Reduced CH4 emissions from the landfill;
  1. Take lead in presenting the draft Pre-Feasibility assessment report at the meeting with key stakeholders (Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, Municipality, State hydrometeorological service, Academia)

Requirements for experience

  • University degree in energy systems, energy efficiency, energy management and/or other related fields;
  • At least 5 years of professional experience in designing biomass production and processing services or another relevant field;
  • Minimum 4 previous assignments pertinent to conducting technical studies in the field of biomass production and processing.

Documents to be included

  1. Proposal:
  • Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work;
  • Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work (if applicable); 
  1. Financial proposal;
  2. Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references;
  3. Offeror’s Letter confirming Interest and Availability.

Financial proposal

Lump sum contracts  

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. 

In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including fees, taxes, travel costs, accommodation costs, communication, and number of anticipated working days).