National Consultant in Energy and Climate Planning.

Vacancy Number: Pr19/01901

Location:Chisinau, Moldova
Application Deadline: 15 Oct 2019, 14:00 (GMT+2:00)
Application Extended deadline:
22 Oct 2019, 14:00 (GMT+2:00)
Starting date: 21 Oct 2019
Reference to the project: Moldova Sustainable Green Cities - Catalyzing investment in sustainable green cities in the Republic of Moldova using a holistic integrated urban planning approach
Expected Duration of Assignment:90 working days from October 2019 to June 2020
Supporting Documents:
Terms of Reference
Individual Consultant Procurement Notice
Offeror's Letter confirming Interest and Availability
UNDP General Conditions of Individual Contract


Mr. Simion Berzoi.


The Czech-UNDP Partnership for SDGs (hereafter CUP) project “Transfer of Czech experience in the development and implementation of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan of the Chisinau Municipality” is linked with the UNDP/GEF project “Moldova Sustainable Green Cities – Catalyzing investment in sustainable green cities in the Republic of Moldova using a holistic integrated urban planning approach”, to be implemented during 2018–2022 years.

The objective of the project is to activate investments in low carbon green urban development based on integrated urban planning approach by encouraging innovation, participatory planning and partnerships between a variety of public and private sector entities. 

As a tool for this, the project will support the design, launching, and establishment of the Green City Lab (hereafter GCL) to become the leading knowledge management and networking platform, clearing house, an inter-mediator of finance  and a source of innovations and expertise to catalyze sustainable low carbon green city development in Moldova with a mission to transform Chisinau and other urban centers in Moldova into modern green and smart European cities with improved quality of life for their citizens, while also demonstrating opportunities for sustainable economic growth.

The Overall Objective of the tendered services is to strengthen the capacities of the Chisinau municipal public authorities in sustainable energy and climate planning through transfer of the Czech relevant experience and knowledge. The expected result of the project is the enabling environment for successful development and approval of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan of the Chisinau Municipality, based on the CoM Guidebooks and forms (see

As part of this project, UNDP through its Green City Lab, will partially support the development of the SECAP. Through the technical assistance and expert support for the development of the SECAP, Chisinau authorities will be able to learn from the Czech and EU experience and approaches in modern practices used for Climate Change mitigation and adaptation at local level.

Scope of work

National Consultant shall support International consultant in transferring his knowledges, skills and good practices through provided consultancy services in close collaboration with official representatives of the Chisinau Municipality. The Consultant will work in close collaboration with the international consultant and under direct supervision of the Green Cities Project Manager and UNDP Country Office in Moldova. The consultant will provide his assistance based on Guidebook 'How for preparatory works related to the development of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP)':

Additionally, to the SECAP development national consultant in partnership with international consultant is asked to provide the methodological advice for Energy Management Unit of the Chisinau municipality (EMU) in terms of (i) Energy Management standards and (ii) Methodologies for Baseline Emissions Inventory and Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessment. Also, it is expected that the national consultant in partnership with international consultant will screen current capacities of the EMU and based on an analytical work will develop basic capacity building needs. 

The national consultant will have the following responsibilities:

  • Assist international consultant during his missions in Chisinau for scoping, data collection, analysis of the status quo of the developed SEAP, etc;
  • Providing support to international consultant in clearly identifying overall commitments of the SECAP;
  • Inputs provided to international consultant in gap analysis of data availability for SECAP development;
  • Providing support to international consultant for estimating stakeholders’ engagement potential and their roles in data collection for transport, building, water, municipal and hazardous waste sectors, etc.
  • Providing support to international consultant in assignment of Energy Management Unit as official administrative structure, responsible for SECAP elaboration and implementation;
  • Providing support to international consultant regarding the involvement of stakeholders and citizens in the preparation of SECAP and their further role in the ensuing implementation;
  • Take lead in organization of round table meetings with Chisinau Municipality, civil society, and other related stakeholders;
  • Take lead in providing support to group of experts in data collection and preliminary analysis.

Requirements for experience

Academic Qualifications:

  • Master’s degree (or 5 years University degree) in energy, environment and/or climate planning, urban development and/or other related fields. PhD is an asset.


  • At least seven (4) years of professional experience in energy, environment and/or climate planning, urban development and/or other related projects;
  • Experience in working with international technical assistance projects, international donors including UNDP or other donors will be an asset;
  • Experience in work with performance-based in energy and climate planning projects.


  • Good knowledge of the international state-of-the-art approaches and best practices in action planning;
  • Good analytical and problem-solving skills and the related ability for adaptive management with prompt action on the conclusion and recommendations coming out from the assignment;
  • Demonstrated understanding of issues related to gender; experience in gender sensitive evaluation and analysis;
  • Proven experience in preparation of written reports in an accurate and concise manner in English Excellent computer literacy (Word, Excel, Internet, Power Point);
  • Proficiency (verbal and written) in Romanian and English; working level of Russian will be an asset.

Documents to be included

  1. Proposal:
  • Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work;
  • Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work (if applicable);
  1. Financial proposal;
  2. CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references;
  3. Offeror’s Letter confirming Interest and Availability.

Financial proposal

Lump sum contracts

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. 

In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including fees, taxes, travel costs, accommodation costs, communication, and number of anticipated working days).