National Consultant in Intelligent Transport Systems.

Vacancy Number: Pr19/01903

Location:Chisinau, Moldova
Application Deadline: 15 Oct 2019, 14:00 (GMT+2:00)
Application Extended deadline:
22 Oct 2019, 14:00 (GMT+2:00)
Starting date: 21 Oct 2019
Reference to the project: Moldova Sustainable Green Cities - Catalyzing investment in sustainable green cities in the Republic of Moldova using a holistic integrated urban planning approach
Expected Duration of Assignment:120 working days from October 2019 to December 2020
Supporting Documents:
Terms of Reference
Individual Consultant Procurement Notice
Offeror's Letter confirming Interest and Availability
UNDP General Conditions of Individual Contract


Mr. Alexandru Rotaru.


The Czech-UNDP Partnership for SDGs (hereafter CUP) project “Transfer of Czech experience in the development and implementation of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources in multi-storey building” is linked with the UNDP/GEF project “Moldova Sustainable Green Cities – Catalyzing investment in sustainable green cities in the Republic of Moldova using a holistic integrated urban planning approach”,  to be implemented during 2018–2022 years.

The Overall Objective of the tendered services is to strengthen the capacities of the Chisinau municipal public authorities in sustainable mobility planning and traffic management through transfer of the Czech relevant experience and knowledge. The expected result of the project is the enabling environment for successful development and approval of the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) feasibility study and preparation and implementation of a comprehensive ITS Action Plan for Chisinau City.

The goal of the ITS Feasibility Study and ITS Action Plan is to develop a desirable intelligent transport system for Chisinau city which is practical and cost-effective for an efficient and effective transport management system in Chisinau city. An ITS Action Plan will also be developed for Chisinau City with support from international and national consultancy.

As part of this project, UNDP through its Green City Project, will support the interconnection of the ongoing SUMP development process with ITS Action Plan.

Along with the national consultancy, the funding from the UNDP-Czech Partnership for SDG’s will facilitate international expert support in the guidance/mentoring for ITS Action Plan development. Through the technical assistance and experts support for the Intelligent Transport Systems feasibility study and ITS Action Plan, the Chisinau authorities will be able to learn from the Czech and EU experience and approaches in modern practices of mobility planning and traffic management, which will ultimately secure equitable access of all social groups to urban infrastructure and will increase the quality of life in Chisinau.

In parallel, the GCL and Chisinau municipality will support the ITS Feasibility Study and Action Plan development through a fully participatory and consultative process with professional planners,  citizens, policy makers and key stakeholders.

In a medium and a long-term ITS Action Plan, that will be developed in the framework of UNDP project should change the life in the city as its scope is to:

  • Ensure all citizens are offered transport options that enable access to key destinations and services;
  • Improve road safety and security;
  • Reduce air and noise pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption;
  • Improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the transportation of persons and goods;
  • Contribute to enhancing the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment and urban design for the benefits of citizens, the economy and society as a whole.

At the same time term ITS Feasibility Study and Action Plan will be a perfect tool for the municipality to ensure a more sustainable transport and mobility development for the entire urban agglomeration, which covers all modes and forms of transport: public and private, passenger and freight, motorized and non-motorized, moving and parking, etc.

In the short-term implementation of the ITS FS and Action Plan, will help municipality to effectively plan its activities and resources required for the implementation of policies and measures set out in the plan. ITS FS and Action Plan can be a perfect tool for municipality to mobilize resources from different funds and subvention programmes, being one of the key documents in municipal transport sector. In compliance with elaborated Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, the UNDP and GCL will further identify the possible investment areas, i.e. procurement of software and hardware for transport monitoring and management and training of the municipal public transport operators in implementation, segregated bus and cycle lane, congestion charge pilot, and different APP for public transport, electronic ticketing, etc.

Scope of work

The national consultant is expected to support the international consultant during both with data gathering and in-country visit support, to ensure smooth facilitation and development of the feasibility study and action plan. An inception report including a clear plan and methodology with a timeline should be submitted by the team 2 weeks after contract signing. The specific tasks of the national consultant will include:

  • Assist international consultant during his missions in Chisinau for consultation with stakeholders to become familiar with current transport service and issues and identify ITS needs for Chisinau city. The consultant is expected to support international consultant to carry out a desk review of existing documents and reports related to transport, including the Chisinau structure plan.
  • Assist international consultant in development of ITS service short, medium and long term plans. The Plans should identify different components of ITS relevant to Chisinau city. The Plans should include qualitative and quantitative data and the ITS study should also address environmental, social and co-benefits in terms of addressing climate change mitigation and meeting development needs in Moldova.
  • Provide inputs to international consultant for reviewing existing policy and legal documents related to transport and identification of opportunities and barriers to plan implementation.
  • Assist international consultant during his visits to relevant agencies to study institutional arrangements and functions to identify opportunities and constraints faced in efficient and effective implementation of ITS.
  • Provide inputs to international consultant for recommending solutions based on international best practices and developments and recommend ITS architecture and technology options, including cost estimates with context to Moldova.
  • Take lead in conducting face-to-face consultations and awareness raising discussions with stakeholders regarding benefits of ITS. The national consultant will take stock of stakeholder perceptions, findings and recommendations and make recommendations on roles and responsibilities each agency could play in ITS implementation.
  • Provide necessary support to international consultant in drawing ITS Action Plan. The consultant will also assist international consultant in drafting necessary TORs for immediate ITS implementation by preparing detailed tender-ready specifications for ITS components that are recommended for immediate (up to 5 years) deployment within the identified locations within the City.

The Consultant will work in collaboration with selected international consultant and under direct supervision of the Green Cities Project Moldova Manager and UNDP Country Office in Moldova. The consultant will report directly to the project manager on day-to day activities and submit reports as required in the agreed upon plan and time schedule.

Requirements for experience

Academic Qualifications:

  • Master’s degree (or 5 years University studies) in transport engineering, urban development and/or other related fields.


  • At least five (5) years of professional experience in ITS design, planning and implementation/ urban mobility and/or other related fields;
  • Experience in ITS design and practical project implementation in Moldova. Working experience in EU or other Eastern European countries will constitute an advantage.
  • Previous working experience and cooperation with institutions and bodies responsible for public policies in transportation, urban development and mobility;
  • Demonstrated experience and success in the engagement of and working with the private sector and CSOs in transportation, urban development and/or other related fields;
  • Working experience in ITS Architectures, practical experiences in ITS deployments, and working knowledge of hardware components included in ITS technology.

IMPORTANT: The Consultant must be an individual that has no direct or indirect affiliations (financial or otherwise) with an ITS product manufacturer/vendor and must disclose any associations that may affect the impartiality of the study outcome.


  • Good analytical and problem-solving skills and the related ability for adaptive management with prompt action on the conclusion and recommendations coming out from the assignment;
  • Ability and demonstrated success to work in a team, to effectively organize it, and to motivate its members and other project counterparts to effectively work towards the project’s objective and expected outcomes;
  • Excellent communication, analytical, facilitation and presentation skills;
  • Computer literacy (Word, Excel, Internet, Power Point);
  • Proficiency (verbal and written) in English and Romanian. Russian will be an asset.

Documents to be included

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  1. Proposal:
  • Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work;
  • Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work (if applicable);
  1. Financial proposal;
  2. CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references;
  3. Offeror’s Letter confirming Interest and Availability.

Financial proposal

Lump sum contracts

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR.  In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including fees, taxes, travel costs, accommodation costs, communication, and number of anticipated working days).