National consultant in monitoring and verification within Fast Track Challenge programme.

Vacancy Number: Pr20/02008

Location:Chisinau, Moldova
Application Deadline: 29 Apr 2020, 14:00 (GMT+2:00)
Starting date: 11 May 2020
Reference to the project: Moldova Sustainable Green Cities - Catalyzing investment in sustainable green cities in the Republic of Moldova using a holistic integrated urban planning approach
Expected Duration of Assignment:120 working days till December 2021
Supporting Documents:
Terms of Reference
Individual Consultant Procurement Notice
Offeror's Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability
UNDP General Conditions of Individual Contract


Mr. Alexandru Rotaru.


The objective of the project is to catalyse investments in low carbon green urban development based on integrated urban planning approach, by encouraging innovation, participatory planning and partnerships between a variety of public and private sector entities. 

The strategy of the project is to create, launch and support a new institutional mechanism called “Green City Lab” (GCL) as a vehicle for encouraging and supporting new innovative measures and approaches in addressing the urban development challenges and barriers. Green City Lab has to become the leading knowledge management and networking platform, clearing house, an facilitator of financing various green urban development projects,  and a source of innovations and expertise to catalyse sustainable low carbon green city development in Moldova with a mission to transform Chisinau and other cities/towns in Moldova into modern green and smart European cities with improved quality of life for their citizens, while also demonstrating opportunities for sustainable economic growth.


Fast Track Challenge Program (FTCP) aims to provide financial support (in the range of max 8,000 USD) for new and innovative solutions contributing to low carbon green city development and which can be brought to implementation quickly and at modest costs. Among other GCL initiatives to encourage broad community engagement and participation, this is an essential complementary tool to support the development of small innovative and visible initiatives at a community level and secure their early buy-in. The programme is implemented starting from 2018 for a period of 4 years. The overall budget is 100,000 USD.

The thematic areas covered by this programme are:

  1. Urban mobility (integrated solutions, apps for efficient transport, cycling and pedestrians)
  2. Waste management (should be considered activities related to the collection and recycling processes; e.g. PET, plastic, rubber, hazardous waste, textile, etc.)
  3. Energy efficiency measures related to building envelope insulation, street and interior lightning, hot water preparation, smart metering and renewables (photovoltaics, wind, geothermal, etc.)
  4. Sustainable urban planning (friendly solutions for citizens comfort and wellbeing)

Received and upcoming project proposals mandatory should have a clear impact – socially, economically, environmentally and from the gender perspective.

Currently there are 7 FTCP under implementation in 2020. Another 5-7 projects are expected to be implemented in 2021.

Scope of work

The main objective of this assignment is to offer support to the beneficiaries and grantees, of the Fast Track Challenge Programme in project implementation as well as to the Green city Project team regarding programme implementation monitoring and reporting (incl. financial).

In particular, the Consultant should provide the following services:

  1. Support Project Team in the launching of the Calls for FTCP project proposals for innovative, green and sustainable ideas for Chisinau;
  2. Provide administrative support for conducting the FTCP Evaluation Committee meetings (draft agenda and invitation letters, prepare applicants’ files for the examination of EC members, arrange applicants’ presentations during the EC meeting, draft minutes of the EC meeting, etc.)
  3. Provide support to the grantees on behalf of the Green cities project related to projects implementation (including advice on procurement and financial processes) where appropriate taking into account UNDP and national legislation requirements.
  4.  If needed, establish the dialogue with public authorities and institutions to obtain necessary approvals and authorizations for FTCP projects implementation
  5. Perform regular field visits to the projects implementation sites in order to check the projects implementation status;
  6. Offer consultancy and trainings to the grantees, beneficiaries and contractors on UNDP project requirements for narrative and financial reports;
  7. Clearing the interim and final financial and narrative reports submitted by FTCP grantees prior to Project manager approval
  8. Make sure that the incurred expenses are accompanied by the appropriate documents (fiscal notes, contracts, invoices, etc) and comply with the UNDP Finance and Procurement Rules and Regulations;
  9. Provide quarterly reports (with monthly short email updates) to the Project manager on the verified documents and field visits, including observation regarding the status of the project’s implementation, number and type of reports checked and recommendations on their improvement etc. (if the case);
  10. Perform other tasks related to technical, financial, social and environmental aspects as may be required by Project Manager and the team related to FTCP implementation;
  11. Provide the required information to the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification National Consultant in order to calculate the CO2 emissions reduction in the result of the each of the FTCP project implementation;
  12. Provide inputs to the annual implementation reports (PIR), mid-term and final evaluation reports, and general information collection according to UNDP/GEF M&E requirements (if and when required by the project manager).

For detailed information, please refer to Annex 1 – Terms of Reference.

Requirements for experience

Academic Qualifications:

  • University degree or advanced courses in Finance, Economy, Business Administration, Project management or other relevant fields;
  • Specialized certificates in Finance, Bookkeeping, Auditing would constitute an advantage;
  • Qualified accountants from internationally recognized accounting institutions will have an advantage.

Years of experience:

  • At least five (5) years of experience in the area of Finance management, Accounting, Auditing, project management or reporting and verification of budgets and finance and technical reports are required;
  • Previous experience in supporting urban mobility, waste management, sustainable urban planning, energy-saving and use of renewable energy development projects, will be considered an advantage;
  • Previous experience in finance management of NGOs and/or donor-funded projects will be considered an advantage;
  • Experience working in/with international organizations, including the UN Agencies will be considered an advantage.


  • Demonstrates integrity and fairness by modeling UN values and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Ability to meet deadlines and prioritize multiple tasks;
  • Excellent communication skills; Excellent analytical skills; Strong oral and writing skills;
  • Computer literacy - competent user of Microsoft Office programs, databases, financial and accounting software;
  • Proficiency (verbal and written) in Romanian and Russian; the working level of English will be an asset.

Documents to be included

  • Offeror's Letter confirming Interest and Availability;
  • CV, including information about past experience in similar assignments and contact details for at least 3 referees;
  • Brief description of the approach to work/technical proposal of why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment, and a proposed methodology on how they will approach and complete the assignment;
  • Financial proposal (in USD, specifying the total lump sum amount). Financial proposal template prepared in compliance with the UNDP's template.

Financial proposal

Contracts based on daily fee

The financial proposal will specify the daily fee, travel expenses and per diems quoted in separate line items, and payments are made to the Individual Consultant based on the number of days worked.