Qu24/02947:GT/National Legal Consultant to support Ministry of Environment.

Vacancy Number: Qu24/02947

Location:Chisinau, Moldova
Application Deadline: 18 Jul 2024, 23:00 (GMT+3:00)
Application Extended deadline:
26 Jul 2024, 16:30 (GMT+3:00)
Application Extended deadline:
02 Aug 2024, 16:30 (GMT+3:00)
Type of Contract:Individual Contract
Starting date: 22 Jul 2024
Reference to the project: Enabling an Inclusive Green Transition in RM
Expected Duration of Assignment:50 days
Supporting Documents:
Negotiation Document(s)


Invitation to Submit an Offer for National Legal Consultant to support Ministry of Environment with screening process of climate change related legislation.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is currently implementing a project Enabling an Inclusive Green Transition in the Republic of Moldova that requires the services of an individual to perform the work described in this document. 

In consideration of your qualifications, we are hereby inviting you to submit an offer for this particular assignment.  To assist you in understanding the requirements of this assignment, we have attached hereto the following: 

  • The Terms of Reference for the assignment described above;
  • The standard Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability, which you must accomplish and submit to UNDP; and
  • The Individual Contract and its General Terms and Conditions, which you would be expected to sign in the event you are the selected Offeror in this procurement process.  

Should you be interested and decide to submit an offer for this assignment, kindly submit directly in the online supplier portal no later than the deadline indicated in the system.

Offers must be submitted directly in the system following this link: http://supplier.quantum.partneragencies.org using the profile you may have in the portal. 

Follow the instructions in the user guide to search for the competition using search filters, namely Negotiation ID: UNDP-MDA-00518 and subscribe to the competition in order to get notifications in case of amendments of the competition document and requirements.

In case you have never registered before, follow this link to register a profile:

https://estm.fa.em2.oraclecloud.com/fscmUI/faces/PrcPosRegisterSupplier?prcBuId=300000127714247 based on the instructions in guides available in UNDP website: https://www.undp.org/procurement/business/resources-for-bidders.

Please note that the access link to the Supplier registered profile is sent from Oracle within up to 3 days. In case you have not received the access link after 3 days since registration, you should address for support to UNDP at the email address: sc.md@undp.org. In case you encounter errors with registration (e.g. system states Supplier already is registered), you should address for support to UNDP at the email address: sc.md@undp.org.

Computer firewall could block oracle or undp.org extension and Suppliers might not receive the Oracle notifications. Please turn down any firewalls on your computers to ensure receipt of email notification. 

Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.

Should you require further clarifications on the application through the Quantum online portal, kindly contact the Procurement Unit at sc.md@undp.org. Please pay attention that the proposal shall be submitted online through the Quantum system and any proposal sent to the above email shall be disqualified.

Should you require further clarifications on the Notice, Terms of Reference or other requirements, kindly communicate using the messaging functionality in the portal.

Deadline for Submission of Offers (Date and Time), which is visible in the online supplier portal will be final. The portal will not accept submission of any offer after that date and time. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure that the offer is submitted prior to this deadline for submission.

Applicants are advised to upload offer documents and to submit their offer a day prior or well before the date and time indicated under the deadline for submission of Offers. Do not wait until last minute. If Applicant faces any issue during submitting offers at the last minutes prior to the deadline for submission, UNDP may not be able to assist on such a short notice and will not be held liable in such instance. UNDP will not accept any offer that is not submitted directly through the System.

If any discrepancy between deadline in the system and in deadline indicated elsewhere, deadline in the system prevails.

We look forward to your favorable response and thank you in advance for your interest in working with UNDP.  


UNDP Moldova

Scope of work

The objective of the assignment is to provide legal assistance to the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova in preparation for upcoming Moldova-EU bilateral legislation screening meeting, scheduled tentatively for end of 2024-beginning of 2025.  

Being supervised by the Project Manager, and in close cooperation with the representatives of the Ministry of Environment, the National Legal Consultant is expected to perform the following tasks: 

  1. Assess the present status of aligning national legislation with EU requirements by conducting a thorough screening of climate change-related laws for the Directives/Decisions/Regulations listed in pct. 3 (including Separate acts), 6 and 7 from “Chapter 2: Objective of the Assignment”. Consultant will use the already developed/existing Table of Concordance and will determine the transposed Directives/Regulations/articles.  
  2. Develop Informative Notes for each of the Directives/Decisions/Regulations listed in pct. 3 (including Separate acts), 6 and 7 from “Chapter 2: Objective of the Assignment” on transposition of EU according to the template presented by the Bureau of EU integration (to be shared with the consultant). 
  3. Prepare in close coordination with the Ministry of Environment/Climate Change Department Power Point presentations on outcomes of climate change-related legislation screening for the Directives/Decisions/Regulations listed in pct. 3 (including Separate acts), 6 and 7 from “Chapter 2: Objective of the Assignment”. The PPTs will be developed in accordance with the template established by Bureau of EU integration (to be shared with consultant). 
  4. Ensure the quality check of the Informative Notes and PPTs developed within the screening process of the Directives/Decisions/Regulation listed in the pct. 1,2,4,5,8,9.  
  5. Support Ministry of Environment during the public consultation of the developed Informative Notes and PPTs, as well as with Bureau for Integration and European Commission.  
  6. Update the PPTs and Informative Notes in line with comments/questions received during the consultation process. 

Requirements for experience


  • An advanced degree (Master's or PhD) in law, environment management, policy development, or other relevant fields is required.  


  • At least 5 years of proven professional experience in law-making. 
  • At least 5 years of working experience in institutional consultancy in the field of transposition of EU climate change related Directives into the national legislation.  
  • Experience in working within UNDP, UNEP, WB, and/or EU-funded projects or other international organizations would be an asset. 


  • Excellent knowledge on the mechanism of harmonization of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova with Community legislation, approved by Government Decision No 1345/2006. 
  • Familiar with the national legislation in the field of climate change. 
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills, ability to work with the public sector, demonstrated by previous assignments.  
  • Ability to work under pressure, and to meet tight deadlines demonstrated by previous assignments. 
  • Fluency in Romanian and English.  

The United Nations in Moldova is committed to workforce diversity. Women, persons with disabilities, Roma and other ethnic or religious minorities, persons living with HIV, as well as refugees and other non-citizens legally entitled to work in the Republic of Moldova, are particularly encouraged to apply. 

Documents to be included

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/ information to demonstrate their qualifications: 

  • Signed and filled-in Offeror’s letter to UNDP confirming interest and availability for the individual contractor (IC) assignment, incorporating Financial proposal in Annex 2 (in USD, specifying a total requested amount per working day, including all related costs, e.g. fees, phone calls etc.). Annex 2 to the Offeror's letter, incorporating the Financial Proposal, shall be filled in mandatorily and includes the detailed breakdown of costs supporting the all inclusive financial proposal;
  • CV with at least 3 references. 

 Important notice: The applicants who have the statute of Government Official / Public Servant prior to appointment will be asked to submit the following documentation: 

  • a no-objection letter in respect of the applicant received from the Government, and;
  • the applicant is certified in writing by the Government to be on official leave without pay for the entire duration of the Individual Contract.

Financial proposal

The Consultant will organize and facilitate the implementation of all activities as described above; his/her payment will be lump sum amount based, disbursed in several installments, upon submission and approval of deliverables and certification by the UNDP Moldova Project Coordinator that the services have been satisfactorily performed.