Title: JOBCP Palanca/ Construction of the access road for the BCP Palanca.

Reg. no.: ItB18/01761

Launch date: 01 June 2018, 16:47 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 22 June 2018, 12:00 (GMT+2:00)

Extended deadline: 29 June 2018, 12:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Invitation to Bid

Category & Sub-category: Civil Works;Construction & Engineering Services


UNDP Moldova invites interested companies which have demonstrated experience in undertaking road construction works to submit their bids for the construction of the access road of Border Crossing Point Palanca, including construction of the street lights. 

A pre-bid meeting will be held on 08 June 2018 at 11:00 (Moldova local time). Venue: “Le Roi” Business Centre, 29, Sfatul Tarii Street, 3rd floor, room 305, MD-2012 Chisinau, Moldova. Representatives of all interested companies are invited to attend. To confirm participation, please, send a message to cornelia.panico@undp.org.

Interested Bidders may obtain further information or clarifications at the following address:
Contact Person: Adrian BEJENARU, Project Manager, JOBCP Palanca Project. E-mail address dedicated for this purpose: adrian.bejenaru@undp.org

UPDATE 14/06/2018: Minutes of Pre-bidding conference as of 8th June 2018 are now published.

Offers can be submitted only through on-line bidding in e-tendering module at: https://etendering.partneragencies.org

Username: event.guest

Password: why2change



Mr. Adrian Bejenaru, e-mail: adrian.bejenaru@undp.org
Ms. Cornelia Panico, e-mail: cornelia.panico@undp.org

Supporting documents:

Invitation to Bid
Bill of Quantities (in English)
Caiet de sarcini (in Romana)
e-Tendering Instructions Manual for Bidders
FAQ for bidders
Minutes of pre-bidding conference as of 08/06/2018
Section 6 (Word version)
Technical drawings for access road
Technical drawings for street lighting