Title: Call for expression of interest for selecting innovative digital ideas under Innovation Challenge Scheme 6 contest, focused on developing and enhancing the renewable energy platforms, specifically digital projects in solar energy.

Reg. no.: EoI22/02562

Launch date: 08 November 2022, 17:26 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 30 November 2022, 16:00 (GMT+2:00)

Extended deadline: 07 December 2022, 16:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Expression of Interest

Category & Sub-category: Grants;Grants to Beneficiaries


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Moldova, through the Accelerating Digital Transformation Project in Moldova, hereby announces an Expression of Interest for selecting innovative digital ideas under Innovation Challenge Scheme 6 contest, focused on developing and enhancing the renewable energy platforms, specifically digital projects in solar energy, with impact on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Digital Transformation in Public and Private Sectors.

Main objectives and areas of support of the Innovation Challenge for the SDGs are:

  1. Engage with private sector for developing digital platform(s) on renewable energy to facilitate innovative decentralized investment in this area. The idea is to source solutions that would accelerate investments into RES, allowing citizens and private sector to invest into RES in Moldova; we speak about patient investors that are willing to invest in secure assets by accelerating energy transition in Moldova.
  2. Support the development and scale up of renewable energy solutions/pilots (posibly based on above platforms), involving both private and social sectors. Pilots could be implemented in partnership with Governmental Agencies, LPAs, schools, hospitals, households, private sector, other. Solutions for the following industry sectors will not be considered: catering services providing only alcoholic beverages; casinos, gambling and similar activities; construction/purchase of residential and commercial space for housing/sales; gas stations; production and distribution of tobacco products; sales and service of cars.
  3. Measure and make visible the impact of such innovative products, services or solutions on specific nationalized SDGs, inclusion of vulnerable people, and on the objective and subjective well-being of the population. Such measurement will be possible through the BCtA and Impact Lab facilities of UNDP Istanbul, to which the beneficiaries will be connected.

This EoI does not entail any commitment on the part of UNDP, either financial or otherwise. UNDP reserve the right to accept or reject any or all EoI without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant/s of the grounds.

Project Application Documentation

Application Form and Project budget

The applicants should submit the Full Application and Project budget (Annex A and B)

The application package shall be submitted electronically by November 30, 2022, 16:00 PM GMT+2 Moldova time, to the following e-mail address: digitalnow.md@undp.org titled in the message subject line as “Digital Transformation Innovative Challenge 2022, [name of the applicant]. The application package received after the above deadline will not be considered. 

The Application form should encompass following:

  • Clear evidence of so far achieved initial results or insights to be considered as collaborative innovative foundation for the Project;
  • Justification of the potential of the proposed innovation, as detailed as possible;
  • Justification that there is an existing market for the proposed collaborative innovation and that the strategy for the exploitation of the innovation is compliant with the actual market sector;
  • Realistic plan of the Project activities so they can be implemented considering technological, financial, time and market constraints, possibilities, and opportunities;
  • Assurance that the project includes all activities necessary for the innovation to be ready for commercial activities on potential markets or to be scaled up;.
  • Evidence that the team has relevant experience in the industry sector and necessary knowledge and skills to implement the planned activities in the development of the innovative product/process/service and successful preparation for commercialization or scale-up;
  • Assessment of internal gaps in terms of resources, skills and knowledge needed to ensure full implementation of the project and its sustainability.  

Should you require further clarifications, kindly address them to the following email address: digitalnow.md@undp.org

Supporting documents:

Annex A - Application Form

Annex B - Project Budget

Annex C - Full proposal evaluation Grid:  Business, technological and financial

Operational Manual

Supporting documents:

Annex A - Application Form
Annex B - Project Budget
Annex C - Evaluation Grid
Expression of interest
Letter of Invitation
Operational Manual