Title: AdTrade/ Develop pilot cross-Nistru river business clusters.

Reg. no.: RfP23/02686

Launch date: 26 May 2023, 11:37 (GMT+3:00)

Deadline: 19 June 2023, 16:30 (GMT+3:00)

Extended deadline: 29 June 2023, 16:30 (GMT+3:00)

Procurement method: Request for Proposal

Categories & Sub-categories: Services;Other services | Grants;Grants to Beneficiaries



United Nations Development Programme, hereinafter referred to as UNDP, through “Advanced Cross-river Capacities for Trade (AdTrade) Project” Project, hereby invites prospective proposers to submit a proposal for Developing and strengthening 4 (four) pilot cross-Nistru river business clusters in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract and the Terms of Reference as set out in this Request for Proposal (RFP).

To enable you to submit a proposal, please read the following attached documents carefully.

Section 1: This Letter of Invitation

Section 2: Instruction to Proposers

Section 3: Data Sheet 

Section 4: Evaluation Criteria

Section 5: Terms of Reference

Section 6: Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms

Section 7: Proposal Forms

- Form A: Proposal confirmation

- Form B: Checklist

- Form C: Technical Proposal Submission

- Form D: Proposer Information

- Form E: Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information

- Form F: Eligibility and Qualification

- Form G: Format for Technical Proposal

- Form H: Format for CV of Proposed Key Personnel

- Form I: Statement of Exclusivity and Availability

- Form J: Financial Proposal Submission

- Form K: Format for Financial Proposal

If you are interested in submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, please prepare your proposal in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this RFP and submit it by the deadline for submission of proposals set out in Section 3: Data Sheet.

Should you be interested to submit a proposal, please log in to the Quantum NextGenERP supplier portal and subscribe to this tender following the instructions in the system user guide. Please search for the tender using search filters, namely Negotiation ID: UNDP-MDA-00167. Once subscribed to the tender, you will be able to receive notifications in case of amendments of the tender document and requirements.

Please indicate whether you intend to submit a bid by creating a draft response without submitting directly in the Quantum NextGenERP supplier portal.

Offers must be submitted directly in the Quantum NextGenERP supplier portal following this link: http://supplier.quantum.partneragencies.org/ using the profile you may have in the portal (please log in using your username and password). In case you have never registered before, follow the Supplier Portal Registration Link  (https://estm.fa.em2.oraclecloud.com/fscmUI/faces/PrcPosRegisterSupplier?prcBuId=300000127715297&_adf.ctrl-state=azywmctp_1&_afrLoop=6329722925931702&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null&_afrFS=16&_afrMT=screen&_afrMFW=1042&_afrMFH=575&_afrMFDW=1280&_afrMFDH=720&_afrMFC=8&_afrMFCI=0&_afrMFM=0&_afrMFR=144&_afrMFG=0&_afrMFS=0&_afrMFO=0) to register a profile in the system.

Please note that the access link to the Supplier registered profile is sent from Oracle within up to 3 days. In case you have not received the access link after 3 days since registration, you should address for support to UNDP at the email address: sc.md@undp.org. In case you encounter errors with registration (e.g. system states Supplier already is registered), you should address for support to UNDP at the email address: sc.md@undp.org.

Computer firewall could block oracle or undp.org extension and Suppliers might not receive the Oracle notifications. Please turn down any firewalls on your computers to ensure receipt of email notification.

Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.

Should you require further clarifications on the application through the Quantum online portal, kindly contact the Procurement Unit at sc.md@undp.org. Please pay attention that the proposal shall be submitted online through the Quantum system and any proposal sent to the above email shall be disqualified.

Should you require further clarifications on the Request for Proposal, Terms of Reference or other requirements, kindly communicate using the messaging functionality in the portal.

We look forward to receiving your proposal.

UNDP Moldova


Mr. Dmitrii Parfentiev, e-mail: dmitrii.parfentiev@undp.org
Mr. Roman Turcan, e-mail: roman.turcan@undp.org

Supporting documents:

19668964_UNDP_General Terms and Conditions for goods and services
19668966_Quantum - User Guide for Suppliers - English
19668967_Quantum - User Guide for Suppliers - Russian
19679088_Proposal Forms
19692819_Request for Proposal