National consultant to provide support to UN Women in leading a mentoring program for CSOs to contribute to the empowerment of women survivors of violence.Vacancy Number: Pr19/01924
Contacts: Ms. Viorica Culeac. Background
UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women's rights at the centre of all its efforts, the UN Women leads and coordinates the United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. Through its programmes and projects, UN Women is providing technical assistance to national partners (governmental and non-governmental), including private sector, in the implementation of existing international and national commitments to women’s rights and gender equality, it facilitates networking and exchange of good practices and advocates for women’s rights and gender equality in all areas of life. UN Women’s presence in the Republic of Moldova has evolved from being a project-based office in 2007 to a Country Office with fully delegated authority as of 2015. The work of UN Women in Moldova is guided by its new Country Strategic Note for 2018-2022, aligned with the Republic of Moldova–United Nations Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development 2018–2022, the Global Strategic Plan of UN Women for 2018-2021, the National Strategy on Gender Equality for 2017-2021 (NSGE),and aims to contribute to the gender-responsive implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. UN Women Strategy for Moldova 2018-2022 focuses on three main areas: 1) strengthening women’s participation in politics and decision making, 2) economic empowerment of women and 3) ending violence against women and girls. To achieve progress under these areas, UN Women works with a variety of national and international partners and as part of different national and regional initiatives. Violence against women as a form of gender-based violence represents a global endemic problem threatening the right to life and dignity of millions of women around the world. Gender-based violence entails several social and health consequences for survivors, ranging from negative health outcomes to the fatal phenomenon of femicide or suicide. In our contemporary world, women who are subject to violence continue to be prevented from a full participation in both public and private life, which seriously affects their human dignity and equality. Gender-based violence not only jeopardies women’s physical and mental health, but also leads to serious violations of all their human rights, be they economic, social, cultural, civil or political. With regard to the local context, the latest statistics and survey data available show that violence against women is alarmingly widespread in Moldova. According to the first national study on the prevalence of the phenomenon (“Violence against Women in the Family”) carried out by the National Bureau of Statistics and commissioned by UN Moldova in 2011, 6 out of 10 women from urban areas and 7 out of 10 women form rural areas have experienced at least one form of violence (psychological, economic, physical and/or sexual) at the hands of their current or former partner during their lifetime, and 1 out of 10 has been exposed to all forms of violence. There is evidence that due to widespread gender roles and stereotypes, violence against women in Moldova is not only widespread but, in some cases, also accepted and justified in the name of socio-cultural norms. As a consequence, women facing violence are not fully protected and many of them would report violence only in most serious cases. Therefore, as confirmed by the above mentioned national study, a significant number of women remain unassisted and continue to be subject to violence. In response to the phenomenon of gender-based violence, UN Women tested a new survivor-focused approach by empowering survivors of violence from various backgrounds to speak up and advocate for concrete actions with their peers as well as with the authorities and the media. This approach has led to a change in the perceptions of survivors by the authorities, media and other women, so they are acknowledged and involved as key experts in eliminating violence against women in legislative, policy, institutional and community level initiatives. With the support of UN Women, for the first time, 7 Positive Champions from Moldova, women who overcame violence and are now helping other women to do the same, have shared publicly their life experiences, and the solutions they found in overcoming violence. They have also spoken as the real experts in the media and advocated for women's rights in high level meetings. Through their voices they have empowered and encouraged other women who are still suffering in silence. Moreover, UN Women Moldova mobilizes other actors of the society including youth, religious leaders, former perpetrators, judicial staff, police, members of the artistic community, so that under the leadership of the survivors of violence, the ‘whole of society’ can produce long-overdue results for women. Apart from these, UN Women has continuously provided technical support to government authorities and civil society partners to successfully implement the provisions of the Law No 45-XVI on Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence (DV) (2008) and recent amendments, and to strengthen the legislative and policy framework by further aligning it to the international norms and standards. In this regard, in 2016, UN Women supported the Government in the development of the first National Strategy for Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence for the Period 2018-2023. Local civil society organisations (hereinafter CSOs) play a crucial role in providing comprehensive and direct services (social, economic, legal, and psychological) to survivors of violence. Available data show that local CSOs provide more than 60% of the total amount of social services and assistance to women survivors of violence (Report on costing of domestic violence and violence against women in Moldova, 2016). Aware of the important role and efforts made by the local CSOs and supportive of the community-based approach solution to the phenomenon of violence against women, UN Women Moldova is committed to contributing to a further consolidation and capacity-building of Moldovan civil society sector and empowering women survivors of violence so that their voices and needs are taken into due consideration. Scope of work
Rationale In line with its efforts to combat and eliminate violence against women, UN Women CO, in collaboration with an international organisation, will implement up to 5 tailored coaching programmes aimed at strengthening national specialised CSOs’ capacities to support and encourage survivors of violence to take the initiative, lead changes in their communities and found informal groups where women can share their experiences and suport each other. To this end, national CSOs will obtain sound organisational and operational skills and will be provided with expertise and assistance in the integration of the gender dimension into their everyday activities and strategies. Simultaneously, UN Women will carry out a mentoring programme with the aim of empowering and supporting women survivors willing to make their voices heard and encourage other women to break the cycle of violence. In this context, UN Women intends to engage a national consultant to provide technical and logistic support to the international organisation for a successful elaboration and implementation of the mentoring and coaching programmes for women survivors of violence and CSOs in the Republic of Moldova. Scope of work The main objective of this consultancy is to provide support to EVAW programme and the international organization in conducting the coaching and mentoring programmes. The activity of the consultant will consist of providing technical assistance, guidance, facilitation and coordination, monitoring and regular exchange of knowledge and experience between local CSOs, women survivors of violence and the international organization. More specifically, the consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
Requirements for experience
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