Two consultants to draft the Guidelines for NAC employees and other relevant civil servants on the anticorruption proofing expertise of normative acts in the following two sectors: 1) Fiscal sector 2) Administrative decentralization .Vacancy Number: Pr20/02011
Anticorruption proofing of legal and normative acts represents a process of the identification of corruption risks which can emerge in relation to the process of promoting normative acts by public entities, identification of the factors generating such risks and formulating recommendations to exclude such risks in the content of draft normative acts. It was introduced as a mandatory tool in 2006 and is carried out by the National Anticorruption Center. The current methodology for anti-corruption proofing expertise was adopted in 2017[1]. According to the Integrity Law no.82/2017, all draft legal and normative acts drafted by public entities shall pass the anticorruption proofing, except:
Anticorruption proofing has the following objectives:
Within the corruption proofing process, the NAC experts identify the legal norms’ corruptibility factors and formulate conclusions and recommendations on excluding or diminishing their effects[2]. According to the NAC 2019 Activity Report[3], 1137 drafts were sent to the NAC for examination in 2019 (241 more compared to 2018). During the reference period, 581 anticorruption expertise reports were prepared and 562 opinions on draft normative acts were issued. To identify and analyse the risk factors and corruption risks, there is a need to review both the draft normative act and the related legal framework regulating the related field/sector. UNDP through the Curbing Corruption by Building Sustainable Integrity Project (further the Project) aims to strengthen the capacities of NAC in performing anti-corruption proofing expertise of the legislation in the aforementioned vulnerable areas with the aim to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the recommendations proposed to exclude corruption risks. In this context, the project intends to contract two consultants to draft the Guidelines for NAC employees and other relevant civil servants on the anticorruption proofing expertise of the legal and normative acts in the following two areas: (1) Fiscal area; (2) Administrative decentralization. [1] [2] [3] Scope of work
The main objective of the assignment is to strengthen the capacities of NAC in performing anti-corruption proofing of legal and normative acts by drafting Guidelines for NAC employees and other relevant civil servants on the anticorruption proofing expertise of the legal and normative acts in the following sectors: (1) Fiscal area; (2) Administrative decentralization. For detailed information, please refer to Annex 1 – Terms of Reference. Requirements for experience
For the consultant in the field of Fiscal area: Academic Qualifications:
Years and sphere of experience:
Personal qualities:
For the consultant in the field of Administrative decentralization: Academic Qualifications:
Years and sphere of experience:
Personal qualities:
The United Nations Country Team in the Republic of Moldova is committed to workforce diversity. Women, persons with disabilities, Roma and other ethnic or religious minorities, persons living with HIV, as well as refugees and other non-citizens legally entitled to work in the Republic of Moldova, are particularly encouraged to apply. Documents to be included
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
Financial proposal
The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables. Payment will be made upon the successful completion of the tasks assigned and submission of the assessment report. Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals the financial proposal shall include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including fee, taxes, communication costs, travel, per diems, and number of anticipated working days).
Travel All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel. In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources. In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed. No travel is envisaged under this assignment. | |||||||||||||||||||
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