National IT Developer for the E-Systems on elections (EDMITE).

Vacancy Number: Pr20/02062

Location:Chisinau, Moldova
Application Deadline: 14 Aug 2020, 16:30 (GMT+2:00)
Application Extended deadline:
21 Aug 2020, 16:30 (GMT+2:00)
Application Extended deadline:
28 Aug 2020, 16:30 (GMT+2:00)
Starting date: 22 Aug 2020
Reference to the project: Enhancing Democracy in Moldova through Inclusive and Transparent Elections
Expected Duration of Assignment:September 2020 – September 2021
Supporting Documents:
Terms of Reference
Individual Consultant Procurement Notice
UNDP General Conditions of Individual Contract


Ms. Eva Bounegru.


Electoral support and capacity development are part of UNDP’s democratic governance assistance worldwide, through which UNDP helps nations build democratic frameworks to improve representation, accountability and transparency for the benefit of citizens.

UNDP has a long-standing partnership with the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) and the Center for Continuous Electoral Training (CCET) aiming at advancing the democratic electoral processes in Moldova by consolidating the transparency and efficiency of elections’ management, modernization of electoral IT solutions and enhancing the inclusiveness and participation of voters. This partnership, which spans over 10 years, resulted in the establishment of strong professional institutions, development of a modern State Automated Information System “Elections” (SAISE), the enhancement of the State Register of Voters’ accuracy and the design and implementation of effective long-term civic and voter education instruments.

Throughout the last electoral cycles, CEC and CCET demonstrated a high level of capacity in adjusting the electoral system to the mixed electoral system in a very short period of time and organizing the 2019 Parliamentary Elections and General Local Elections. Despite the challenges and persistent financial limitations faced by the institutions, due to the continuous UNDP’s support, the CEC and the CCET delivered “well-administered elections” as attested by OSCE/ODIHR Observation Missions.

Since 2017, the Project "Enhancing democracy in Moldova through inclusive and transparent elections” supports the Central Electoral Commission to enhance the transparency and inclusiveness of the electoral process in Moldova by ensuring a more independent and credible electoral administration and better informed and pro-active citizens. Building on the sustainable results achieved during its first phase of implementation (2017 – 2020), the objectives of the current Project phase (2020 – 2023) are:

  • Enhance the inclusiveness of the electoral process by increasing the functional and technical capacities of the State Automated Information System “Elections” (SAISE);
  • Enhance the political participation of citizens by setting up and implementing the voters’ information and civic education programmes;
  • Strengthen the capacity for effective and coherent oversight and monitoring on political party financing;
  • Improve the legal and regulatory framework to respond to the EOM recommendations.

In this context, the Project shall offer further specialized support to the CEC for enhancing IT structures and processes to consolidate capacity and improve the governance and independence of the electoral administration. Moreover, the implementation of the SAISE Development Roadmap, shall lead to a complete IT architecture, sustainable across all electoral cycles and fully compliant with international standards.

Scope of work

UNDP intends to contract an experienced national IT developer (hereinafter “the Consultant”) to offer specialized IT development support and advisory to the IT and Management of Voters’ Lists Department of the Central Electoral Commission. More specifically, the Consultant is expected to contribute with the update and enhancement of the existing SAISE modules, considering the lessons learned of the previous electoral cycles. Namely, the Consultant shall focus on improving the functionalities of the following modules:

  1. SAISE Admin;
  2. Check your name in the State Register of Voters;
  3. Preliminary registration;
  4. Electoral candidates;
  5. Subscription lists;
  6. Rotation of candidates;
  7. Ballot paper;
  8. Documentation;
  9. E-Day.

Additionally, the Consultant shall design and develop, in close collaboration with the CEC Departments, new SAISE functionalities and applications that will allow a more efficient, accessible and transparent electoral process. She/he shall re-program and adjust the relevant SAISE modules in the context of the 2020 Presidential Elections, ensuring an adequate collection of disaggregated data between and during elections, as well as full accessibility to the public of the SAISE applications on the CEC website.

For detailed information, please refer to Annex 1 – Terms of Reference.

Requirements for experience

Academic Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in information technologies / ICT or another relevant field.


  • At least 6 (six) years of professional experience in ICT programming;
  • At least 4 (four) years of professional experience in .NET programming;
  • At least 4 (four) years of professional experience in database development (MS SQL);
  • Specific experience in the area of ICT infrastructure and development of at least 3 (three) information systems (the information systems developed by the applicant should be detailed explicitly in his/her CV);
  • Proven experience of developing ICT-based electoral management systems will be a strong advantage;
  • Previous professional experience in working with the Central Electoral Commission will be an advantage.
  • Previous professional experience in working with international organizations, including UN Agencies, will be an advantage.


  • Demonstrated interpersonal and diplomatic skills, as well as the ability to communicate effectively with all stakeholders and to present ideas clearly;
  • Excellent analytical and presentation skills;
  • Understanding of the web/software accessibility issues and ways to insure web/software accessibility for persons with different type of disabilities and linguistic minorities;
  • Knowledge of Romanian and English (verbal and written) is a must. Knowledge of Russian will be considered as an advantage.

Personal qualities:

  • Proven commitment to the core values of the United Nations, in particular, respecting differences of culture, gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality, language, age, HIV status, disability, and sexual orientation, or other status;
  • Responsibility, flexibility and punctuality, ability to meet deadlines and prioritize multiple tasks.

The UNDP Moldova is committed to workforce diversity. Women, persons with disabilities, Roma and other ethnic or religious minorities, persons living with HIV, as well as refugees and other non-citizens legally entitled to work in the Republic of Moldova, are particularly encouraged to apply.

Documents to be included

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/ information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Offeror's Letter confirming interest and availability;
  • Proposal (Motivation Letter): explaining why they are the most suitable for the work including previous experience in similar Projects (please provide brief information on each of the above qualifications, item by item);
  • Financial proposal (in USD, specifying a total requested amount per working day, including all related costs, e.g. fees, phone calls etc.);
  • Duly completed and signed Personal History Form (P11), personal CV and at least 3 references.

Financial proposal

The financial proposal shall include a breakdown of the lump sum amount (daily rate and number of anticipated working days).


Travel is not envisaged in the framework of the current assignment.