Programme Officer on EVAW (Open to Moldova Nationals Only).

Vacancy Number: Pr20/02065

Location:Chisinau, Moldova
Application Deadline: 16 Aug 2020, 23:59 (GMT+2:00)
Starting date: 24 Aug 2020
Reference to the project: UN Women
Expected Duration of Assignment:
Submission Instructions:

The United Nations in Moldova is committed to workforce diversity. Women, persons with disabilities, Roma and other ethnic or religious minorities, persons living with HIV, as well as refugees and other non-citizens legally entitled to work in the Republic of Moldova, are particularly encouraged to apply

Application Process

This is a local position; therefore only citizens of the Republic of Moldova are eligible to apply. Applications should be submitted on line followinf the link and include fully completed UN Women Personal History Form as attachment instead of CV/resume.

Failure to disclose prior employment or making false representations on this form will be grounds for withdrawal of further consideration of his/her application or termination, where the appointment or contract has been issued.


The system will only allow one attachment, hence all supporting document e.g. P11, CV and Cover letter must be scanned as one attachment.  Only qualified, shortlisted candidates will be contacted for test and interview.

In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.

Supporting Documents:
ToR ProgrammeOfficer EVAW.docx
Personal History Form (P11) UN Women
UN Women Conditions of Service Consultants


UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

UN Women’s presence in the Republic of Moldova has evolved from being a project-based office in 2007 to a Country Office with full delegated authority as of 2015. Currently, UN Women Moldova Country Office is  implementing its Strategic Note (SN) for 2018-2022, which is aligned with the Republic of Moldova-United Nations Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development 2018-2022 and the Global Strategic Plan of UN Women.  The SN 2018-2022 aims at advancing progress under the following three Impact Areas (IA): IA1: More women from diverse groups fully participate and lead in governance processes and institutions, IA2: Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy, IA3: Public authorities, institutions and communities prevent violence against women and girls and deliver quality essential services.

Under the impact on preventing violence against women and girls and delivery of quality essential services, UN Women will contribute to the realization of the Outcome: Parliament and Government adopt and implement laws, policies and strategies to prevent violence against women and girls and deliver quality essential services, which is planned to be implemented via three inter-connected outputs: Output 1: Public institutions have capacities to apply international norms and standards in developing and implementing laws, policies and services towards eliminating VAW, Output 2: Target communities and institutions, including in the field of education, have knowledge and tools to combat stereotypes and gender discrimination and advance favorable social norms that prevent VAW and Output 3: Women and girls, especially from excluded groups, have knowledge and skills to exercise their rights to essential services.

Programme Officer on EVAW, among other responsibilities, will coordinate activities related to the “EU4Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence" programme, funded by European Union, implemented jointly by UN Women and UNFPA. The programme is implemented in six countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. The Programme Officer on EVAW will be responsible for coordinating the UN Women project interventions in the Republic of Moldova in close collaboration with UNFPA Country Office.

The regional project aims to strengthen equal rights and opportunities for women and men through shifting social perceptions, gender stereotypes, and men’s participation in caretaking. The specific objectives are threefold: 1. Shifting societal perceptions around gender stereotypes and patriarchal norms which limit women's rights; 2. Men's involvement in the care taking of their children and participation in fathers programmes have increased; 3. Social workers (mediators) and CSOs have increased knowledge and tools on how to conduct evidence-based violence prevention programmes targeting perpetrators of domestic violence.

The programme is aimed at achieving the following outputs: 1) Increased awareness of country-specific norms and stereotypes: the public is more aware of rights to reduce the impact of stereotypes and change the roles of men; 2) Actions taken and behaviours changed in key areas by targeted audiences and decision-makers to improve equality of opportunities and realization of women’s rights, including their employment opportunities and women; 3) Targeted citizens, governments, medical providers and professionals are aware of the benefits of involving men in prenatal check-ups and in fathers’ groups, and put the new skills to use; 4) Men are engaged in prenatal services and Papa groups in order to involve them in their caretaking responsibilities, and advocate for gender transformative approaches related to parental leave; 5) Evidence-based violence prevention programmes for perpetrators used in EU Member States and other prevention programmes for perpetrators are being piloted.

UN Women is therefore looking for a Programme Officer on Ending Violence Against Women, who will contribute to the effective and efficient implementation of UN Women Country Office interventions in EVAW area and will be responsible for implementation of the UN Women component  of the joint UN Women-UNFPA regional programme “EU4Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence" , while ensuring  close collaboration and coordination with UNFPA Country Office and full engagement of Programme Manager at EECA region level. The Programme Officer should ensure alignment of the project activities with UN Women strategic work at national level and donor requirements as per signed agreement(s).

Programme Officer on EVAW will work with government bodies, civil society organizations, direct beneficiaries to promote social change and address the underlying structural gender barriers and norms, with particular emphasis on changing gender-stereotyped behavior, strengthening men’s involvement in parenting and reducing the number of victims of violence through targeted violence prevention interventions with perpetrators and also targeting policies related to family, such as parental leave regulation.

Scope of work

1. Programme Implementation and Technical Support:

  • Oversee the implementation of the EVAW component to ensure delivery of results as planned and in line with UN Women and close coordination with UNFPA lead the project implementation for timely and efficient delivery of project outputs as per Project Document and Annual Work Plans;
  • Maintain regular communication with Regional project team, provide inputs, updates and required information on project developments;
  • Prepare work-plans reflecting the scope of activities, timing, sequencing, cost and other inputs for the implementation of the activities;
  • Provide regular reports to the Programme Analyst and flag any deviations from the work plans immediately.
  • Liaise with the national counterparts, donors and the UN Women office colleagues to ensure that results are achieved, and resources are managed efficiently and effectively;
  • Provide substantive inputs for the Technical Working Group meetings, take minutes on behalf of UN Women and all pertinent  supporting documents;
  • Monitor implementation and activities versus set targets and indicators;
  • Identify key performance indicators as well as develop and maintain a monitoring system to ensure effective information sharing, provision of feedback and elaboration of top-quality progress reports;
  • Draft and provide inputs to annual and quarterly reports, in line with UN Women, joint UN and donor reporting requirements;
  • Manage efficiently the financial resources of the EVAW component, including budgeting and budget revisions, as well as expenditure tracking and reporting, in close collaboration with other programme, administrative and financial staff;
  • Assist NGO partners working in EVAW area to link their practical work with the global/national normative area.
  • Perform any other duties connected directly with the implementation of the Programme as required.

2. Capacity development to programme staff and partners:

  • Coordinate and lead all capacity development activities within the EVAW component as per the project document;
  • Assist the Programme Analyst) in identifying promising practice, technical expertise and strategic opportunities for eliminating EVAW and integrating gender perspective, including through innovative approaches;
  • Assist programme team in making use of the recommendations of UPR, CEDAW, the special procedures and other mechanisms and subsidiary bodies in programming in EVAW area;
  • Build, motivate and lead a high performing team consisting of short-term experts;
  • Undertake personnel performance appraisals for the experts supervised/coordinated;
  • Support mechanisms for exchange of information, experience and lessons learned at the local and national levels, both internal and external;
  • Provide capacity development on EVAW and women’s empowerment to joint programme personnel and key partners through face to face gender trainings and learning sessions.

3. Facilitate EVAW into all programme components and activities:

  • Regularly review planned activities, and make necessary modifications/ratifications when needed in response to any emerging circumstances;
  • Preparation of inputs for reporting, including donor and audit reporting; inputs for the Annual Reports as per donors’ requirements;
  • Provide substantive technical support to EVAW into all four components of the programme including the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, as well as reporting.
  • Facilitate collection and analysis of sex-desegregated data through programme implementation;
  • Support personnel and partners with applying gender analysis for programme planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation to understand why and how issues affect women and men differently and unequally within particular context and what options exist to address them;
  • Ensure integrating result indicators for gender equality and women’s empowerment in joint programme monitoring and evaluation plan (to be developed); and make sure all indicators are disaggregated by sex;
  • Ensure monitoring and analysis of the extent to which international commitments and national legal and policy document on gender equality and women’s rights are implemented at the community levels;
  • Ensure availability of an up-to-date information on all critical issues related to implementation of gender equality commitments on regional and local levels;
  • Ensure that progress reports from responsible parties are properly monitored in line with project outputs and timeline before approving;
  • Communicate and cooperate closely with the partners  from the target regions;
  • Undertake regular monitoring missions to the two target regions to ensure timely delivery and quality of results;
  • Prepare terms of reference for consultants and services, responsible party agreements with local stakeholders and institutions and/or civil society organizations; prepare relevant package of documents for submission to Local Programme Appraisal Committee (LPAC/RPAC etc.);
  • Supervise and evaluate consultants and other contractors’ performance in delivering required outputs;
  • Manage project files and support information collection and dissemination; ensure proper project documentation (filing) & communication and tracking system for effective project closure.

4. Building strategic partnerships

  • Provide substantive inputs to UN Women and other participating UN agencies of the joint programme in engagement with relevant local authorities to support the EVAW throughout the programme implementation;
  • Build strategic partnerships and maintain close liaison with local partners, ensuring optimum participation of all relevant stakeholders;
  • Develop the professional platform for networking and partnership building with the local and regional authorities, CSOs, private sector and international development organizations or programmes;
  • Facilitate the exchange of experiences among partners and stakeholders on “what works” in EVAW area, based on the identified positive experiences;
  • Ensure coordination with relevant working groups and information sharing;
  • Create and coordinate partnership with local authorities, service providers, developmental actors, women’s organizations, and other stakeholders in target regions.

5. Advocacy, knowledge building and communication

  • Provide substantial contribution to EVAW into the programme’s communications and visibility plan and its implementation phase;
  • Provide guidance for collecting data and undertaking analysis of principal concerns in EVAW component, including through non-traditional data sources;
  • Provide proactive and substantive technical support to the organization of awareness raising and advocacy events, trainings, workshops and drafting knowledge products;
  • Coordinate advocacy actions within the project by compiling and synthesizing relevant background materials, drafting project summaries, articles, publications, speeches and presentations for delivery via journals, meetings, public events and in other fora;
  • Based on the analysis of the lessons learned, evaluations, best practices provide analytical support to the programme management in applying the knowledge for planning;
  • Proactively contribute to knowledge networks and communities of practice on gender equality;
  • Provide inputs to the development of knowledge management products related to gender equality and women’s rights in the programme areas;
  • Apply UN Women programming tools and policies as explained in the Results Management Guide. Keep abreast of UN Women programming practices and maintain an optimum level of knowledge by continuous learning.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Substantive input to the programme implementation is provided;
  • Programme initiatives are designed and formulated for translating UN Women’s priorities into local interventions;
  • High-quality inputs to reporting and monitoring activities are provided on time.

Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism

Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example

Please visit this link for more information on UN Women’s Core Values and Competencies:

Functional Competencies

  • Strong programme formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation skills;
  • Ability to develop detailed operational plans, budgets, and deliver on them;
  • Ability to synthesize program performance data and produce analytical reports to inform management and strategic decision-making;
  • Strong analytical skills;
  • Strong knowledge of Results Based Management;
  • Good knowledge of UN programme management systems.

Requirements for experience

Education and certification:

  • Master degree or equivalent in Human Rights, Gender Equality, Law, Social Sciences, Public Administration or other development related sciences;
  • A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree;
  • Additional training and certification in programme/project management would be an advantage.


  • At least three (3) years of experience is required at the national or international level in managing  programme interventions preferable related to protecting and promoting women’s human rights;
  • Strong concept development, presentation and reporting skills;
  • Experience in the UN system, agencies and international organizations is an asset;
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.) and advance knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages, experience in handling of web-based management systems.

Language Requirements:

  • Proficiency in oral and written English and Romanian;
  • Advanced knowledge of Russian is an advantage;
  • Working knowledge of one or more additional languages relevant for Moldova, including Bulgarian, Gagauzian, Romani, Ukrainian or sign language would be an asset.