UN Women: National Consultant - on creation of services for victims of sexual violence.

Vacancy Number: Pr21/02356

Location:Chisinau, Moldova
Application Deadline: 10 Jan 2022, 23:59 (GMT+2:00)
Application Extended deadline:
20 Jan 2022, 23:59 (GMT+2:00)
Type of Contract:Individual Contract
Starting date: 24 Jan 2022
Reference to the project: UN Women
Expected Duration of Assignment:15 December 2022
Supporting Documents:
Annex I
Annex II
General Terms and Conditions for Consultants
Terms of Reference
UNDP General Conditions of Individual Contract


UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls, the empowerment of women and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women's rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates the United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world.    

The work of UN Women in Moldova is guided by its Country Strategic Note for 2018-2022, aligned with the Republic of Moldova–United Nations Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development 2018–2022the Global Strategic Plan of UN Women for 2018-2021, the National Strategy on Gender Equality for 2017-2021 (NSGE), the National Strategy for prevention and combating violence against women and domestic violence for 2018-2023 elaborated in line with the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention). UN Women Strategy for Moldova 2018-2022 focuses on three main areas: 1) strengthening women’s participation in politics and decision making, 2) economic empowerment of women and 3) ending violence against women and girls. To achieve progress under these areas, UN Women works with a variety of national and international partners and as part of different national and regional initiatives.  

Based on the European Commission Decision ENI/2018/041-302 regarding the Annual Action Program 2018 in favor of the Republic of Moldova for support for the implementations of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement, UN Women Moldova CO is implementing a three-year project (January 2020 – December 2022) under the name “Strengthened Gender Action in Cahul and Ungheni districts” (hereinafter EVA). The project is implemented in line with and in contribution to the Gender Action Plan II (GAP II) of European Commission “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Transforming the lives of girls and women through externa relations 2016-2020”, adopted in September 2015. 

The project started in January 2020, funded by the European Union, co-founded and implemented by UN Women Moldova Country Office and in partnership with UNICEF. The overall purpose of the EVA Project is to promote gender equality, women’s empowerment through strengthened implementation of gender mainstreaming in local policies and combating gender-based and domestic violence affecting women and children in two focal regions: Ungheni and Cahul.

One of the expected results under EVA Project is that gender equality is promoted and mainstreamed in local policy making and decision-making. The project supports Cahul and Ungheni localities to integrate gender equality in their policies and budgets, through training elected and appointed representatives of the LPAs on gender equality and gender mainstreaming and its implications for decisions taken by the LPAs;  supporting LPAs to contribute to the principles of the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life; raising the capacities and knowledge on women’s rights of local CSOs  which advocate for gender equality; raising awareness of local population from selected regions on gender equality and empower women to actively participate in local decision-making processes. Another set of expected results under EVA project refers to a greater access to effective survivor - focused multidisciplinary services for the victims of domestic violence, including sexual violence; and violence prevention programs piloted in local schools and communities. In this sense, UN Women EVA Project supports strengthening the capacities of the multidisciplinary teams for an effective protection of women/children victims of domestic violence, empowering domestic violence survivors, and using innovative tools to raise the capacities of local civil society to change attitudes and behaviors on gender-based violence.   

In Moldova, sexual violence (SV) disproportionately affects women and girls. Women who experienced sexual violence require comprehensive and sensitive care to mitigate the negative consequences of SV including health consequences, minimize psychological trauma and promote long-term reintegration to society and recovery. 

According to national legislation1, the State shall provide several services to support the victims of violence, including victims of sexual violence: legal counselling; psychological counselling; free legal aid assistance; financial compensation.  

Despite progress towards the ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention), serious concerns remain regarding the ensure effective prevention and combating of violence against women and rehabilitation of victims, including sexual violence against women. Main challenges persist, including underreporting of violence against women; owing to fear of stigmatization and re-victimization; the limited enforcement of the legislative framework to combat gender-based violence due to insufficient resource allocations; lack of shelters and support services for victims of gender-based violence, including counselling, legal assistance, and rehabilitation programmes, particularly in the rural areas.   

A recent study on Systemic response to cases of sexual violence in Cahul and Ungheni districts2 shows that at the local level sexual violence among adult women is rarely reported and victims of SV are not provided with all necessary services. The existent services are not entirely appropriate (victim-centered), difficult to access and geographically spread all over the country. From the moment the crime is committed up until the conviction of the guilty person, victims of SV are forced to engage in lengthy travels and procedures, face repeated victimization and have a slim chance to fully recover. 

The National Action Plan for years 2018-2020 on the implementation of the national EVAW Strategy, provides for the specific objective 2.2. "Creation of protection and assistance services for victims of sexual violence" several actions, such as: development of the working methodology of the intervention team in cases of sexual violence (action 2.2.1.), development of instructions for the intervention team in cases of sexual violence (action 2.2.2.) and piloting the activity of the intervention team in cases of sexual violence in 2 districts (action 2.2.4.). 

Scope of work

Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of the EVA Programme Manager and in close collaboration with the EVA Officers, Programme Analyst EVAW, Programme Specialist and Operations Manager for the effective achievement of results.

The assignment should be carried out starting with January 2022, with the incumbent being responsible for the following: 

  • Task 1: Support UN Women/EVA Project in the supervision of contracts related to (a) design of works (b) refurbishment works to be undertaken on space dedicated to the specialist service for victims of sexual violence in Cahul and Ungheni, including but not limited to the projection of the space/rooms set up, refurbishment of the space/rooms, (c) medical equipment and furniture for each of the rooms, office furniture, consultations rooms set-up, list of medical and office supplies, etc. Under this task, the consultant will assist in coordinating the contracts on the design and renovation of the space in line with the best EU practices and the Essential Services Package for Women and Girls Subject to Violence. Regularly meetings with distinct councils’ representatives and hospital representatives to coordinate the process of design and renovations of the space/rooms for the specialist service for victims of sexual violence in Ungheni.
  • Task 2: Provide expert support in establishing collaboration agreements/memorandum of understanding with central/district level authorities on ensuring the sustainability of the specialist service for VSV in Ungheni and Cahul regions:

    Under this task, the consultant will be engaged in coordination and advocacy consultations with the District Councils on how the Crisis Center for Victims of Sexual Violence should be designed, developed, and implemented, including financial sustainability. In collaboration with the District Councils, draft the collaboration agreements/memorandum of cooperation between the Crisis center for Victims of Sexual Violence and the relevant local and central authorities with competencies in the field and public institutions and NGOs relevant (service providers). The format of the service for victims of sexual violence may differ from region to region, considering existent infrastructure and available specialists.  
  • Task 3: In close cooperation with the international consultant contracted by UN Women for providing expert assistance in developing the specialist service for victims of sexual violence in Cahul and Ungheni districts, support to UN Women EVA team for the implementation of the following activities/deliverables. Under this task, the national consultant will liaise the international consultant with the local stakeholders relevant for the contract implementation: provide peer-review of the sets of technical specifications for renovation/rebuilding and equipment of the spaces dedicated to the crisis center; provide peer-review of two tentative budgets reflecting costs for arranging the spaces; provide peer-review of the developed job descriptions of the employment specialist of the service/crisis center and delegated professionals as part of the multifunctional team of the center/specialized service; peer-review of the regulation of crisis center for victims of sexual violence submitted and approved by UN Women. Define and refine the SOPs and guidelines for the specialists within the Center, taking into account the existence of other related SOP’s in the field.

  • Assist EVA team in coordinating the activities carried out in Cahul and Ungheni by both UN Women and UNICEF in EVAW area. Participate in at least 10 UNW/ EVA project coordination meetings. 
  • Monthly report containing a progress review/evaluation of the project initiative implementation, lessons learned, best practices and recommendations for scaling up, submitted. 
  • Final report with insights, evaluation, lessons learned, and recommendations elaborated and submitted. 

Requirements for experience


  • Master’s degree in Law, Gender, Human Rights, Labor relations, Sociology or similar fields. A first-level university degree combined with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in place of the master's degree.


  • A minimum of 2 years of professional experience working in the field of gender-based violence and/or VAWG advocacy.
  • A minimum of 1 year of experience working with institutions to strengthen national response to VAW from different sectors (e.g. police, justice, social services, health sector). Evidence about this experience should be reflected in the cover letter.
  • Familiarity with working with the local public administrations. Evidence about this experience should be reflected in the cover letter.
  • Proven experience in working with international organizations (successful experience in working with UN agencies is an asset).

 Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in written and oral Romanian, Russian, English are required.

Documents to be included

Interested candidates are invited to submit their online applications by October 20, 2021 with the following documents.

1. Duly filled Personal History Form P11 and the CV

2. Letter of Intent to include a brief overview about which of your previous experiences makes you the most suitable candidate for the advertised position.

3. Financial proposal (Annex I and II);

Financial proposal

Financial proposal – specifying a total lump sum amount for the task specified in Terms of References. The Financial proposal shall include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (daily rate). Please see ANNEX I and ANNEX II.