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EU4MD/Two (2) Consultants on Inter Municipal CooperationVacancy Number: Pr20/02052
Contacts: Ms. Liliana Caterov. liliana.caterov@undp.orgBackground
The EU4Moldova: Focal regions Programme (further Programme) is based on the European Commission Implementing Decision on the Annual Action Program 2018 in favor of the Republic of Moldova and is funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme and United Nations Children's Fund. The overall objective of the five-year Programme is to strengthen the economic, territorial and social cohesion in the Republic of Moldova through facilitating smart, inclusive, sustainable and integrated socio-economic development as well as improving the standards of living of the citizens in the focal regions: Cahul and Ungheni. To this end, this Programme will address the urban-rural divide and regional disparities, stimulate economic growth and job creation, refurbish and upgrade some social and technical infrastructure in selected focal regions (smaller towns and villages) while taking into account a gender perspective in the activities of the Programme. Specific objectives:
The Program objectives will be achieved through measures targeted at: (i) capacity building to support the implementation and monitoring of local economic development plans; (ii) civil society engagement in local planning, governance processes and basic social service delivery; (iii) provision of investment funding in support of the creation and/or development of social and technical infrastructure which, combined with the outcomes from interventions (i) and (ii) above, will have an immediate, visible and tangible impact on employment creation, the standard of living of the population in the focal regions. Specific context More than half of the population of Ungheni and Cahul lives in rural areas, where the poverty rate is three times higher than in urban areas. Most people lack access to quality basic public services. Local authorities have only limited financial means and human resources. The low standard of public services has an adverse effect on health, education and local employment opportunities, and undermines trust in public institutions. The local public administration plays the most important role in the organization and managing public services, given that they know the most closely the needs of citizens. Unfortunately, wide range of public services are present mostly at the city level and less at the level of rural communities. The inter-municipal cooperation (IMC) for the localities from Cahul and Ungheni focal regions could be a tool for the joint provision, in conditions of quality and efficiency, of the local public services. In fact, by joining the efforts of two or more administrative-territorial units (ATU), it will be possible to ensure the necessary premises for the organization and financing of a quality public services, given that each ATU does not have the necessary power and resources to do so. This cooperation can be both formal and informal. Obviously, inter-municipal cooperation is not an easy option. It can be complex and risky. Therefore, it requires careful preparation. But it also has the potential to offer significant benefits to all LPAs, both large and small. The analysis of the areas of inter-municipal cooperation in Cahul and Ungheni focal regions will provide useful elements that will contribute to:
Through the assistance that will be provided the most important for LPA is to understand the benefits that can be achieved through inter-municipal cooperation and how they can be obtained in a reasonable way. LPAs may choose to join forces with other LPAs if this would improve their efficiency. From this perspective it is recommended to start discussion between local authorities on identification of possible public services that can be organized and delivered based on IMC principles, clarification of opportunities for initiation of common public services that can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their provision, identification of the best solutions for organizing in common provision of range of public services such as administrative, social and communal. Scope of work
The overall objective of the consultancy services is to facilitate the process of identification and expand the public services from the urban area to the neighboring communities through IMC instruments for improving the efficiency of service delivery in the focal regions as a precondition for improvement the service infrastructure. In this context, the Program is seeking for two (2) National Consultants to perform the services in the two focal regions[1] Cahul and Ungheni. Expected benefits: The team of consultants, under the overall supervision of the Project Manager /Local Development, in close cooperation with Project Officer Public Services Development and Local Coordinators in focal regions, is expected to:
Since that initiation phase of the Inter-municipal cooperation between administrative-territorial units (especially urban-rural ones), when is needed to identify potential IMC services, to set up common understanding of benefits of cooperation, common interests of joint provision of local public service, etc., is a complex one, this activity has to be performed by a team of consultants. One responsible for legal and institutional aspects and another responsible for operational issues. For current assignment,
For detailed information, please refer to Annex 1 – Terms of Reference. [1] The term of ‘focal region’ is used to define the broader economic area of Cahul and Ungheni municipalities, including the adjacent rural communities (will be defined in the process). Requirements for experience
Position 1: Consultant on legal and institutional IMC issues /Team-leader Academic Qualifications:
Years of experience:
Personal Qualities and other requirements:
The United Nations Development Programme in Moldova is committed to workforce diversity. Women and men, persons with different types of disabilities, LGBT, Roma and other ethnic, linguistic or religious minorities, persons living with HIV, as well as refugees and other non‐citizens legally entitled to work in the Republic of Moldova, are particularly encouraged to apply. Position 2: Consultant on management of local IMC public services Academic Qualifications:
Years of experience:
Personal Qualities and other requirements:
The United Nations Development Programme in Moldova is committed to workforce diversity. Women and men, persons with different types of disabilities, LGBT, Roma and other ethnic, linguistic or religious minorities, persons living with HIV, as well as refugees and other non‐citizens legally entitled to work in the Republic of Moldova, are particularly encouraged to apply. Documents to be included
Interested individuals must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
Financial proposal
The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount. The payment for services will be made post factum on a lump-sum deliverables basis, as per contract, after the work has been accepted by the Programme Manager. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of offers, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including fee per day, mobile phone costs, number of anticipated working days, etc.). Travel In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed. Individual contractor who is over 62 years of age will be required, prior to contract signature, to undergo full medical examination and obtain medical clearance from an UN-approved doctor or his/her own preferred physician. The medical examination shall be issued and submitted to UNDP Moldova upon request. | |||||||||||||||||||
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