Title: Promotion of Global Goals via Social Media .

Reg. no.: RfP17/01503

Launch date: 26 April 2017, 16:52 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 10 May 2017, 16:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Request for Proposal

Category & Sub-category: Services;Communications&Media Services


UNDP seeks to contract a qualified company to promote Global Goals in Moldova making effective use of social media channels. The contractor should develop the deliverables as described below.

 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) mainstreaming:

Objectives of the campaign:

  1. Popularize the Global Goals in Moldova though action-oriented activities
  2. Inform population on the agreed targets and indicators and how can the progress towards their achievement be tracked (moldova2030.gov.md)

 Target groups:  civil society, private sector, academia, media, general population (opinion leaders, youth, engaged citizens)

Offers can be submitted either in hard copy, or electronically. Offers received by fax will be rejected. Incomplete offers shall not be examined.

  1. a) Documents/offers in hard copy need to be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to:
    UNDP Moldova
    131, 31 August 1989 Street, MD-2012, Chisinau
    Attention: Registry Office/Procurement
  2. b) Offers sent electronically need to be addressed to the following e-mail address:


Ms. Laura Bohantova, e-mail: laura.bohantova@undp.org

Supporting documents:

Request for Proposal
Section 4-11