Title: Company to Design and Deliver training sessions on Results Based Management.

Reg. no.: RfP17/01599

Launch date: 14 September 2017, 10:58 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 29 September 2017, 16:00 (GMT+2:00)

Extended deadline: 06 October 2017, 16:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Request for Proposal

Category & Sub-category: Services;Training & Education Services



Following the Functional and Institutional Analysis, conducted in 2016 with the support of the UNDP Democracy Programme, the Secretariat of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova (SPRM) has deployed a series of restructuring processes aiming to ensure further institutional development and capacity building of the parliamentary staff.

In order to improve the functioning and delivery of services by the Secretariat, a Strategic Development Program for 2017-2019 (SDP) was drafted and subsequently adopted by the parliament’s Permanent Bureau on 14 March 2017.[1] The SDP has been designed to address the main findings of the functional analysis, which recommended measures aimed at setting up an effective institutional and functional structure of the Parliament's Secretariat, adapted to the parliament's increasing demand for support and assistance.

To achieve the SDP’s specific objectives and ensure the development and implementation of a structural and functional model of the secretariat which responds effectively to the need for assistance of MPs, implying the use of a change process, a clear vision, strong executive support, and well-prepared staff is required.

To guide the team members involved in the institutional changes, it is crucial that managers who will oversee the process, as well as the staffers themselves possess the necessary skills sets and have a good understanding of their role in the execution of the new or improved management processes and systems.

In this regards, the UNDP Project “Strengthening Parliamentary Governance in Moldova” (SPGM) is seeking to hire a specialized company (hereinafter Service Provider) to develop and deliver training sessions on Results-based Management (RBM) for secretariat of parliament.

[1] http://www.parliament.md/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=PFba6419bdE%3D&tabid=79&mid=498&language=en-US


The overall objective of the assignment is to strengthen the skills and capacities of parliamentary staffers to understand and use RBM in their work in the parliament.

 As a result of the training the parliamentary staffers are expected to obtain a common understanding of “Managing for Results” (MR) and “Results-based Management” concepts, including how to plan and design activities, implement, monitor, evaluate and report on results. An important focus will be placed on the so-called actor-focused approach with changes in practices, attitudes and behaviour at an outcome level. In addition, the Service Provider will contribute to ensuring that the PRM’s management and designated managers,  who will oversee the change process, are trained in managerial competencies preparing them for their important role in leading the change process.

 The overall scope of work includes the following tasks:

  • Develop a module and deliver trainings to the secretariat’s staffers to understand and implement the “Managing for Results” and “Results-based Management” concepts and;

To achieve the stated objectives, the Service Provider will:

  1. Develop an Inception report containing the work plan, detailed methodology and tools for the assignment;
  2. Develop and coordinate with the designated parliament representative and the SPGM Project Team the concept and training materials for the following module:
  • Module: Results-based Management (RBM)
  1. Develop and coordinate with the designated parliamentary representative and the SPGM Project Team the detailed work plan of trainings;
  2. Deliver three training courses for parliamentary staffers to understand and apply RBM and acquire managerial competences to lead in the change process;
  3. Develop and coordinate with the SPGM Project Team the drafting of an evaluation form template to be used following each training; and
  4. Prepare and submit post training report to reflect the outcome of each training session, as well as formulate recommendations, where necessary, for subsequent interventions.

UPDATE 20/09/2017: Supplemental clarifications as of 20 September 2017 are now published.

Offers can be submitted either in hard copy, or electronically. Offers received by fax will be rejected. Incomplete offers shall not be examined.

  1. a) Documents/offers in hard copy need to be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to:
    UNDP Moldova
    131, 31 August 1989 Street, MD-2012, Chisinau
    Attention: Registry Office/Procurement
  2. b) Offers sent electronically need to be addressed to the following e-mail address:


Ms. Victoria Muntean, e-mail: victoria.muntean@undp.org

Supporting documents:

Request for Proposal
Sections 4-7
Supplemental Clarifications as of 20 September 2017