Title: A2J/ Provision of Mass Spectral Libraries for the forensic institutions of the Republic of Moldova.

Reg. no.: RfQ20/02052

Launch date: 28 May 2020, 15:06 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 11 June 2020, 12:00 (GMT+2:00)

Extended deadline: 18 June 2020, 12:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Request for Quotation

Category & Sub-category: Goods;Software Licenses


United Nations Development Programme hereby invites you to submit your quotation for the provision of Mass Spectral Libraries for the forensic institutions of the Republic of Moldova as per the details provided in Annex 1. When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2.

Quotations may be submitted only via the etendering system to the address below:


Username: event.guest

Password: why2change

BU Code: MDA10 and Event ID 0000006075

Once uploaded, Bidders that have accepted the invitation in the system will be notified via e-mail that changes have occurred. It is responsibility of the Bidder to view the respective changes and clarification in the system.

Please consult eTendering Resources for Bidders for additional information on bidding:

Ms. Anna Soltan, e-mail: anna.soltan@undp.org

UPDATE 09/06/2020: Q&A are now Published.

Ms. Anna Soltan, e-mail: anna.soltan@undp.org

Supporting documents:

Request for Quotation
Annex 2 - Form for submitting of quotation
Annex 3 - UNDP GTCs for Contracts
Q&A as of 09/06/2020