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Title: EU4MD/ Reconstruction and revitalization of Ungheni Town Centre Stage 2.

Reg. no.: ItB22/02432

Launch date: 04 March 2022, 18:30 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 04 April 2022, 15:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Invitation to Bid

Category & Sub-category: Civil Works;Construction & Engineering Services


The EU4Moldova: Focal Regions Programme is launching a tender to select a company/consortium to carry out the “Reconstruction and revitalization of Ungheni Town Centre, Stage 2”.

The Schedule of Requirements, volumes of works and bidding details are presented in the Invitation to Bid (ItB) document and its Annexes, available under the “Supporting documents” section. Bill of Quantities, Detailed Technical Drawings and their respective endorsements are presented below.

For any inquires, please, do not hesitate to write to the Contact person indicated below. Deadline for submitting requests for clarifications/questions is 5 (five) days before the submission deadline.

Deadline for submitting bids is also indicated in e-tendering module, in case of discrepancies, the date and time indicated in e-tendering must prevail. Once the deadline expired the submission is not available, thereby Bidders are encouraged to submit their bids well in advance so as to prevent any last moment technical deficiencies or networks shortages.

Offers can be submitted only through on-line bidding in e-tendering module at: https://etendering.partneragencies.org

BU Code: MDA10 and Event ID 0000011788

Once registered, Bidders that have accepted the invitation in the system will be notified via e-mail if any changes to the tender have occurred. It is responsibility of the Bidder to view the respective changes and clarifications in the system.

Please, Consult in eTendering Resources for Bidders:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhtEkSXqMBs video instructions “How to register”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAoir7afaAo video instructions “How to bid”


UPDATE as of 15 March 2022: Due to lack of participants to the Pre-Bid conference scheduled for March 15, 2022 11:00 AM (Moldova time/GMT+2), the meeting did not take place. For any questions related to the ITB requirements, please address to the contact persons listed in the solicitation documents. 

Moreover, Bidders are invited to join the Site visit to be organized on:

Time: 10:00-15:00 (Moldova time/GMT+2)

Date : March 18, 2022

Bidders should arrange site visits at their own cost and shall coordinate the site visits on the above-mentioned date with the following contact person from UNDP:

Vitalie VIERU, Project Officer/Infrastructure, EU4Moldova: Focal Regions Programme (vitalie.vieru@undp.org), tel.: +373 79 99 88 02.

Separate site visits can be organized on other dates by Bidders at their own cost and without the support and/or presence of UNDP representatives at the site.


Ms. Victoria Josan, e-mail: victoria.josan@undp.org
Mr. Vitalie Vieru,

Supporting documents:

Annex 4: General Terms and Conditions of Civil Works Contract (in English and Russian languages)
eTendering Instructions Manual for Bidders
Invitation to Bid
Annex 1: Bill of Quantities (EN)
ANNEX 1: Bill of Quantities (RO)
Annex 2: Technical Drawings
Annex 3: Technical approvals
Section 6 - Returnable Biding Forms
Specificatii Tehnice_RO

Clarification Questions & Answers:

There are no Clarification Questions submitted and/or answered by UNDP under this competition.

The deadline for requesting clarifications has passed.