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Title: REQUEST FOR QUOTATION: Elaboration of the project documentation and Bills of Quantities for renovation works of two offices belonging to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.

UN tender

Reg. no.: UN Tender24/02887

Launch date: 18 June 2024, 15:17 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 01 July 2024, 23:59 (GMT+2:00)

Extended deadline: 08 July 2024, 23:59 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: UN Tender




International Labour Organization hereinafter referred to as ILO, "EU support to inclusive labour markets in the Republic of  Moldova" hereby invites prospective bidders to submit a request for quotation for the following positions:

Elaboration of the project documentation and Bills of Quantities for renovation works of two offices belonging to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, as following:

  1. State Labour Inspectorate office, situated in Chisinau municipality, 1, Vasile Alecsandri Street, 3rd floor.
  2. National Employment Agency office, situated in Cimislia Rayon, 133, Alexandru cel Bun str., 2nd floor (level 3).

This Request for Quotation comprises the following documents:

Annex I-Design theme for SLI office, situated in Chisinau city,

Annex II- Design theme for NEA office, situated in Cimislia city,

Annex III- Offer Submission Form for SLI (To be completed by the Bidder);

Annex III- Offer Submission Form for NEA (To be completed by the Bidder);

Annex IV- ILO Vendor Selection Procedure: Certification (To be signed by the Bidder);

Annex V- Terms and Conditions applicable to ILO Contracts.

Annex VI- ToR

Annex VII-RfQ/02/2024

The above documents are to be signed by the legal representative, stamped with the official seal of your company, and submitted on or before 1st of July 2024 to the following email addresses: and

Please note that applications received after the deadline, as well as incomplete applications will not be considered. Financial offers containing other currency than MDL (Moldovan Lei) will not be considered. ILO retains the discretion to re-advertise or cancel this tender.


Supporting documents:

Annex I-Design theme for SLI, EN..pdf signed.signed.pdf
Annex II-Design theme for NEA office, Cimislia EN.pdf signed.signed.pdf
Annex III - Offer Submission Form SLI .docx
Annex III - Offer Submission Form NEA Cimislia_.docx
Annex V- Terms and Conditions applicable to ILO Contracts.pdf
Annex VI- ToR renovation of 2 offices.pdf
Annex_IV - Certification Form for Vendors.pdf
RFQ 02 2024 Chisinau FINAL docx.pdf