Title: Provision and installation works of a generator.

Reg. no.: RfQ17/01479

Launch date: 29 March 2017, 11:45 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 07 April 2017, 16:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Request for Quotation

Category & Sub-category: Civil Works;Construction & Engineering Services


UNDP Moldova invites all interested companies to provide their quotation for provision and installation works of a generatoras per attached Form for submitting Supplier's Quotation (available below for download in Word format) not later than 07 April 2017, 16:00 (Moldova local time).

Offers can be submitted either in hard copy, or electronically. Offers received by fax will be rejected. Incomplete offers shall not be examined.

  1. a) Documents/offers in hard copy need to be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to:
    UNDP Moldova
    131, 31 August 1989 Street, MD-2012, Chisinau
    Attention: Registry Office/Procurement
  2. b) Offers sent electronically need to be addressed to the following e-mail address:


Mr. Alexandru Cocirta, e-mail: alexandru.cocirta@undp.org

Supporting documents:

Request for Quotation
Annex 2 - Quotation Form
Annex 2a - Bill of Quantities
Annex 2b - Layouts