Title: SARD/Construction works for 9 social infrastructure projects - 4 LOTs.

Reg. no.: ItB17/01531

Launch date: 14 June 2017, 17:48 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 07 July 2017, 13:00 (GMT+2:00)

Extended deadline: 10 July 2017, 13:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Invitation to Bid

Category & Sub-category: Civil Works;Construction & Engineering Services


Lot #1

v. Gaidar, GATU "Construction of the potable Water Access Point"
v. Joltai GATU "Capital repair of the water supply system and kindergarten connection"

Lot #2

v. Novoselovca, Taraclia district "Capital repair of the water supply system and kindergarten connection"
v. Corten, Taraclia district "Capital repair of the water supply system and provision of the population of the village with drinking water"
v. Vinogradovca, Taraclia district "The construction of the centralized system of water supply"

Lot #3

v. Tomai, GATU "The repair of the road Alecsandri"
v. Baurci, GATU "Capital repair of a portion of the central road"

Lot #4

v. Congaz, GATU "Street lighting system optimization"
v. Cairaclia, Taraclia district "Capital repair of the roof of the culture house"

A pre-Bid conference will be held on: 

Date:  20 June 2017; Time:  16:00 pm (Moldova local time)

“Le Roi” Business Centre, 29, Sfatul Tarii Street, 3rd floor, room 305, MD-2012 Chisinau, Moldova.

UPDATE 19/06/2017: UNDP Moldova is hereby amending the solicitation documents. The Invitation to Bid document is amended to extend the deadline for the competition until 10 July 2017, 13:00 (Moldova local time). Changes are marked in red within the document. All other terms and conditions of the solicitation documents, except as amended herein, shall remain unchanged and shall continue in full force and effect.

UPDATE 30/06/2017: Minutes of pre-bid meeting as of 20th June 2017, are now published.

UPDATE 30/06/2017: Updated Annex 3a to Bill of Quantities for LOT 1, 2 and 4 are now published.

UPDATE 30/06/2017: Drawings for Congaz Lightning are now published.

UPDATE 05/07/2017: Updated Schedule of Requirements in Romanian and Annex 3d to Bill of Quantities for LOT 4 are now published.

Offers can be submitted either in hard copy, or electronically. Offers received by fax will be rejected. Incomplete offers shall not be examined.

  1. a) Documents/offers in hard copy need to be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to:
    UNDP Moldova
    131, 31 August 1989 Street, MD-2012, Chisinau
    Attention: Registry Office/Procurement
  2. b) Offers sent electronically need to be addressed to the following e-mail address:


Mr. Leonid Mazilu, e-mail: leonid.mazilu@undp.org

Supporting documents:

Invitation to Bid
Amendment nr. 1
Amendment nr. 2 dd 5 July 2017
Annex 3a_Bill of Quantities_LOT 1 updated as of June 30 2017
Annex 3a_Bill of Quantities_LOT 1_ DO NOT USE
Annex 3b_Bill of Quantities_LOT 2 updated as of June 30 2017
Annex 3b_Bill of Quantities_LOT 2_ DO NOT USE
Annex 3c_Bill of Quantities_LOT 3
Annex 3d_Bill of Quantities_LOT 4 updated as of July 5 2017
Annex 3d_Bill of Quantities_LOT 4 updated as of June 30 2017
Annex 3d_Bill of Quantities_LOT 4_ DO NOT USE
Connections Union Fenoza Congaz
Detailed Design Baurci village
Detailed Design Cairaclia village
Detailed Design Ciumai village
Detailed Design Corten village
Detailed Design Gaidar village
Detailed Design Joltai village
Detailed Design Novosiolovca village
Detailed Design Tomai village
Drawings_Congaz Lighting
Fisa de Date (Bid Data Sheet) ROM
Minutes of pre-bidding conference as of 20/06/2017
Schedule of Requirements as of July 5, 2017 versiune Romana LOT 4
Schedule of Requirements as of June 30, 2017 English version
Schedule of Requirements as of June 30, 2017 versiune Romana
Section 3 - Cerintele Tehnice
Section 3 - Schedule-of-Requirements
Section 4 - Bid Submission Form
Section 5 - Bidder Information Form
Section 6 - Technical Bid Form
Section 7 - Price Schedule Form
Section 8 - Bid Security Form