Title: SARD/Supply of Waste Disposal Trucks with back loading – 3 Lots.

Reg. no.: ItB18/01690

Launch date: 13 February 2018, 15:17 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 05 March 2018, 14:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Invitation to Bid

Category & Sub-category: Goods;Vehicles


UNDP Moldova invites interested companies which have demonstrated experience in undertaking specialized vehicles supply to submit their bids for:

LOT #1 - Supply of 1 (one) Waste Disposal Trucks with back loading – 7,5 cubic meters capacity

LOT #2 – Supply of 2 (two) Waste Disposal Trucks with back loading – 10 cubic meters capacity

LOT #3 – Supply of 5 (five) Waste Disposal Trucks with back loading – 16 cubic meters capacity


Offers can be submitted only through on-line bidding in e-tendering module at:


Username: event.guest

Password: why2change

Please note:

  1. It is strongly recommended to create your username with two parts, your first name and last name separately by “.”, similar to the one shown above.
  2. You can participate in the bid event only if you have registered in the system.
  3. Please refer to Appendix A-Instructions to bidders and Appendix B-Q&A for bidders.

Mr. Leonid Mazilu, e-mail: leonid.mazilu@undp.org

Supporting documents:

Invitation to Bid
Annex 2 - Delivery locations
Appendix A - eTendering Instructions Manual
Appendix B - e-Tendering FAQ for bidders
Sections 4 - 7
Technical Responsiveness Tables