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Title: EXTENDED DEADLINE. UNICEF RFP 9191484, National consultancy to support the analysis on extra cost for disability in Moldova.

UN tender

Reg. no.: UN Tender24/02911

Launch date: 18 July 2024, 17:04 (GMT+3:00)

Deadline: 12 August 2024, 23:59 (GMT+3:00)

Extended deadline: 25 August 2024, 23:59 (GMT+3:00)

Extended deadline: 25 August 2024, 23:59 (GMT+3:00)

Extended deadline: 25 September 2024, 23:59 (GMT+3:00)

Procurement method: UN Tender


UNICEF Moldova Country Office invites interested qualified companies to submit their offers for:

National institutional consultancy to support the analysis on extra cost for disability in Moldova

Implementation Period : September 2024 – February 2025


Recent evidence and studies suggest that people with disabilities incur substantial extra costs of living. Persons with disabilities are more likely to experience adverse socioeconomic outcomes such as less education, poorer health outcomes, lower levels of employment, and higher poverty rates. Poverty may increase the risk of disability through malnutrition, inadequate access to education and health care, unsafe working conditions, a polluted environment, and lack of access to safe water and sanitation.

The role of the consultancy:

The consulting institution will carry out an analysis of the extra cost of disability in the Republic of Moldova using mix of methods for estimating disability-related costs developed (e.g. Goods and Services Required, Household Budget Survey and market research) in cooperation with an international expert, also considering the participatory approach and discuss with people with disabilities (e.g. focus group discussions, key informant interviews) and will inform the development of inclusive social  policies.

The learnings and recommendations from this research will support the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection to design inclusive social protection policies, programmes and support schemes for persons with disabilities and the European Child Guarantee Framework.


The specific objectives that the national team will have to accomplish are:

  • Map and access available data sources required for the assessment and contribute to validate the assessment methodology;
  • Contribute to finalization and implement the methodology for the analysis, including performing field research (both qualitative and quantitative) of the extra costs for disability. The national team will be supported by an international expert which will provide the draft methodology based on good international practices and will oversee the implementation.
  • Perform data collection and data analysis for both qualitative and quantitative components, ensuring data is disaggregated by the type and severity of disability, age group, gender, employment status and urban/rural areas;
  • Guided by the international consultant, draft the different sections of the technical report, including data visualization;
  • Develop technical and policy recommendations to inform decision makers based on evidence and data;
  • Disseminate the evidence among policy makers, civil society, and academia on the results of the extra cost for disability in Moldova.


For the details of the deliverable and tasks please refer to the Terms of Reference-Annex B enclosed in the LRPS-2024-9191484 document.

What to submit?

  1. Technical proposal

The Technical Proposal should include but not limited to the following:


  • Brief description of the proposed methodology and technical approach (2 pages);
  • Tentative work plan with timeframe and deadlines for deliverables (1 page);
  • Project dependencies, risks and assumptions, as well as proposed relevant mitigation measures
  • Roles and responsibilities of the institution/ and consultants, if any;
  • Work implementation plan showing the detailed sequence and timeline for each activity and days necessary for each proposed team member
  • Quality assurance mechanism and risk mitigation measures put in place


In addition, please provide Curriculum Vitae for the proposed team members.

  1. Financial Proposal

The financial proposal shall indicate total budget estimated in USD, as well as a detailed breakdown of budget items. Payments will be based on outputs, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR.


The financial offer should include all additional applicable costs, such as: translation, meeting costs, transportation (local and international), daily subsistence costs. If not provided by ToR, UNICEF will not reimburse additional costs not directly related to the assignment outcome, such as translation/interpretation services, local travels, passport/visa costs, hardware, software, stationery, logistic and meeting costs.

 Submission instructions:

  • Bid Submission Extended Deadline: 25 SEPTEMBER 2024 23:59 (EEST), any Bids received after the Submission Deadline will be rejected.
  • Bid clarifications. Proposers are required to submit any questions in respect of this competition by e-mail to Liliana Prosii at, The deadline for receipt of any questions is two working days before the application deadline.   
  • The official e-mail address for proposal submission is:, no other UNICEF e-mails must be cc-ed.
  • Separate e-mails for Technical and Price proposals
  • The Quotation Form and Declaration (pages 3-5 from the RFP document) must be filled and signed by a duly authorized representative of the Company.

Please mark "YES" if no guilty verdicts have been issued against the company or its


Choose "NO" if official legal criminal or administrative decisions were issued regarding

  • All Proposal’s files must be included in the email, no external links.
  • Proposal must be clearly marked with the LRPS number: LRPS-2024-9191484 in the e-mail title or on the envelope.
  • Validity period of the proposal must be not less than 120 days.

For additional details on the proposal submission rules please refer to the attached: LRPS-2024-9191484 document. For additional details on deliverable, proposal content and minimum requirements please refer to the Terms of References-Annex B enclosed in the attached document.


Supporting documents:

Costuri aditionale dizabilitate.pptx
Editable RFPS Form.docx
LRPS-2024-9191484 Analysis extra costs disability signed.pdf
Pre-bid conference minutes.docx