Title: Call for Proposal (CFP) for Responsible Parties Public Institutions and Civil Society Organisations/Consortium to deliver a set of interventions to support the Refugee women and girls’ survivors of GBV and those at-risk to livelihood opportunities, required assets, skills.

Reg. no.: EoI22/02585

Launch date: 21 December 2022, 10:33 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 20 January 2023, 18:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Expression of Interest

Category & Sub-category: Services;Other services


UN Women within the project “Promoting Gender-responsive Refugee Responses at the Regional and Country Level” invites Public Institutions and Civil Society Organisations/Consortium to deliver a set of interventions to support the Refugee women and girls’ survivors of GBV and those at-risk to livelihood opportunities, required assets, skills

UN Women aims to ensure that vulnerable refugee women including GBV survivors and those at-risk have strengthened access to protection services, capacities and resources that reflect multisectoral coordination and are gender responsive and survivor-centred in Moldova.

In the framework of the priorities outlined above, UN Women Moldova Country Office welcomes proposals against the following activities:

  • Support the strengthening and operationalization of three multipurpose anti-violence centres to assist women victims of VAW/GBV and their integration in local communities.
  • Strengthen the capacities of the GBV specialists in assistance and protection to the victims of VAW/GBV, including guidance on intersectoral cooperation mechanism for cases of domestic violence.
  • Provide VAW/GBV referral support to up to 200 refugee women survivors of VAW/GBV including victims from national level following referral pathways.
  • Build the capacity and knowledge of up to 20 counsellors and practitioners of local women’s organizations on VAW/GBV identification, case management, referral pathways and reporting.


The total budget available for this Call for Proposal is of USD 300,000.

The proposals are expected to start from February 2023 and be implemented for a period of 7 months. The implementation of the Partnership Agreement to be signed under this CFP is expected to be completed not later than end August 2023.

The deadline for proposals submission is January 20, 2023; Time: 18:00 pm, Moldova local time, GMT+2.

Any clarification questions may be submitted by 16 January 2023 to the email: ionela.nicorici@unwomen.org.

The terms of reference, mandatory requirements, templates for proposal submission and the evaluation criteria are attached below.

All proposals should be sent by email to the following secure email address: tender.md@unwomen.org

Ms. Ionela Nicorici, e-mail: ionela.nicorici@unwomen.org

Supporting documents:

Annex B-1.docx
Annex B-2.docx
Annex B-3.docx
Annex B-4.docx
UN Women Partner Agreement English.pdf