Title: Call for Proposal (CFP) - Civil Society Organisations/Consortium to provide increased access to livelihood opportunities, required access, skills, and partnerships in Moldova for Ukrainian refugees.

Reg. no.: EoI22/02551

Launch date: 28 October 2022, 11:18 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 18 November 2022, 21:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Expression of Interest

Categories & Sub-categories: Services;Training & Education Services | Services;Other services


UN Women within the project “Protecting and Strengthening the Resilience of Women and Girls Affected by the Ukraine Crisis in Moldova” invites civil society organizations from Moldova/Consortium to submit proposals for deliver a set of interventions to provide increased access to livelihood opportunities, required access, skills, and partnerships in Moldova for Ukrainian refugees 

The goal of the project is to ensure that vulnerable refugee women including VAW and GBV survivors and those at-risk have strengthened access to protection services, capacities and resources that reflect multisectoral coordination and are gender responsive and survivor-centred in Moldova.

Through this Call for Proposal, UN Women intends to sign Partnership Agreements with civil society organizations/Consortium to act as Responsible Parties for initiatives that will contribute to provide increased access to livelihood opportunities, required access, skills, and partnerships in Moldova for at least 350 Ukrainian Refugee women and girls’ survivors of GBV and those at-risk.

UN Women Moldova is seeking to contract an organization/company or a Consortium of organizations/companies to fulfil the following suggested activities, but not limiting to:

  1. Based on existing assessments and mappings identify beneficiaries in at least 3 districts in Moldova. Identification shall be made considering the type of vulnerability, age, locality and skills (skilled, semiskilled, unskilled) of the potential beneficiaries;


  1. Conduct trainings and skills development for 100 vulnerable women in preparation for their engagement in cash-for-work opportunities (in various areas according to the needs identified as a result of consultations with the beneficiaries);


  1. Provide cash-for-work interventions (conditional and unconditional cash assistance), following CBI (cash-based intervention system and protocol), for up to 100 refugee women who have been affected by the crisis. Categories of beneficiaries shall be determined based on existing needs;


  1. Provide small cash subsidies (e.g. reimbursement of expenses related to enrolment into the educational system etc.) to up to 200 refugee women to support childcare solutions and transportation;


  1. Conduct networking events with the participation of multi-sectorial experts that will cover discussions and identify solutions for various impediments and issues that refugees face in relation with their integration into the society and enjoyment of their rights.


The total budget available for this Call for Proposal is of up to USD 250,000.


The proposals are expected to start from January 2023 and be implemented for a period of 9 months. The implementation of the Partnership Agreement to be signed under this CFP is expected to be completed not later than end September 2023.

The deadline for proposals submission is November 18, 2022; Time: 21:00 pm, Moldova local time, GMT+2.

Any clarification questions may be submitted by 10 November 2022 to the email: ionela.nicorici@unwomen.org.

UN Women will organize an online information session on November 14, 2022, 15:00 pm, Moldova time on https://unwomen.zoom.us/

Those interested to participate should pre-register by November 13, 17:00 pm, via email to ionela.nicorici@unwomen.org.

The terms of reference, mandatory requirements, templates for proposal submission and the evaluation criteria are attached below. All proposals should be sent by email to the following secure email address: tender.md@unwomen.org



Ms. Daniela David-Cimpoies, email: daniela.david@unwomen.org

UPDATE AS OF 16/11/2022: Documents have been adjusted and attached hereto (UPDATED) 

Supporting documents:

Cover page_Call for Proposal_Terms of Reference_UPDATED
General Terms and Conditions for Partner Agreements _Annex 2_English